
The day after Max's funerals, at dawn, Magnus goes to pay a little homage to the little boy as well. He decides to go that early because he thinks the place will be totally deserted and thus, reduce the risk to meet the Lightwood there.
Magnus stares at the tombstone of the little boy for a while. It grieves him hugely, despite he didn't have any contact with Max before. If there was one sure thing was that Maryse would never allow such thing, she already looks at him as if he was an horrid creature who did who knows what outrageous witchcraft to brainwash her precious Alec.

He sighs while thinking about all the latest happenings and how complicated things will probably still be with Alec's family, should they survive Valentine that is.
In truth, the thought of what will be of him doesn't bother him much. What he truly fears and makes his blood freeze to pure terror, is the thought that Alec might die and he survive. He can not picture a worst scenario for himself right now.
To homage little Max, he snaps his fingers, to which from the blue sparkles coming out of his fingers, a few crystalline-like butterflies, white and light blue, take shape and fly on the tombstone, stopping on it and basically becoming part of it, like pretty pure and sweet decorations.

Needless to say that before the last butterfly could land, Magnus get grabbed from behind by the shirt and abruptly pulled away from the grave, as if he was some thief trying to rob it.
Maryse Lightwood of course. It was her to pull him away, while Robert just remained behind, just staring, too destroyed to even intervene.

Maryse. •What are you doing here, Warlock?! Defiling MY son's grave! Don't you think we have lost enough?!• She is hysterical, the moment Magnus wanted to avoid had to happen eventually: witness her, emptying all of her sorrow and frustration on him.

Magnus just looks at the woman, silently and not intending to answer to her cruel words. He knows she is out of her, as much as she knows that every single word she is saying, she means and thinks for real. Her hate towards him is nothing new to him.
•Sorry for coming.• He only says that and aims to simply leave, walking past them as Maryse keeps shouting hate and accusations of all sort to him. Just until she suddenly stops, suddently, without finish the word she was saying and to Magnus, it is an almost an as worrying sign as if she had started to scream.
He turns around, just to notice a huge demon, standing in front of the Lightwood.

Magnus can tell immediately that it is a Greater Demon and considering where it is, it is unlikely that it was sent for any other purpose than kill the Lightwood. Both Shadowhunters are unarmed and probably for the first time in their lives, defenceless.
Magnus, instead of recoiling, actually approaches the demon a little, putting himself between it and the Lightwood.
•Yanluo. You were slain.• He says as simply as if he was talking to an old school mate. Needless to say, Maryse already thinks it was all a plot of Magnus or such, that he is sided with demons and so on. And the fact the demon is not attacking him, doesn't help.

Yanluo. •Get away, spawn of Asmodeus. Your death belongs to your father's plans not mine.•

Magnus keeps a neutral expression, as if its words could not touch him in any way, but it is not so. He is screaming deep inside.
•Remember Jem? I always wished I had been the one to give you a painful end. Turns out my wish is about to come true.•

Yanluo. It lets out a blood-freezing hiss at his words, almost sounding like a laugh. •You will have a taste of his same medicine, pathetic Warlock!•

Before the demon could finish the sentence, Magnus pushes him back with a spell, but it barely causes the horrifying creature to move a couple of inches.
Yanluo's body is like that of a spider, with a scorpion-like tail with a huge and sharp sting at its end. The top is like that of a man, just of a blacking violet color. Its eyes are like those of a huge fly and its hair is basically tentacles. Far from a pleasant sight and far from an easy opponent.

Yanluo. •Send my regards to Asmodeus when you will see him.• And charges at Magnus with its tail raised and ready to stab.

Magnus gives a quick glance to the petrified Shadowhunters behind him. •Go!!• He says them while focusing on the creature. Only then the Lightwood start to make their way towards the hill to run away from the creature sent to kill them. Valentine sent it as he has a special hate towards them, considering them as traitors of the Circle.

As the Lightwood leave, the real fight really begins and it takes away a big deal of Magnus's strenght, ever since the first few spells, all of which, extremely powerful but almost completely ineffective towards the Greater Demon. Luckily for Magnus, he is not only exceptional with magic, he is also rather muscular and physically prepared which allows him to be agile enough to avoid to be pierced by the tail. Yanluo venom itself is not deadly, it is more of an instrument of torture than else as it causes an unbearable pain in the body of the victim and also horrible hallucinations. Which is enough for the demon to kill the victim with no effort as it becomes basically inoffensive afterwards.
After a while of fighting, as he gets closer and closer to his limits, Yanluo manages to trample him, send him to crash harshly against a crypt and stab him in the leg with its huge sting.
Magnus groans and knows that he has barely a few seconds to try one last, desperate thing. One spell that will 100% surely drains him entirely and potentially cause him to pass out. Meaning that if it won't work, he will be as good as dead.
It is a spell he read in the Book of the White, but it had no indication whether it would be effective on Greater Demons. It his the last card he has to play right now, anyway.'Who would have thought I'd die for two racist Shadowhunters?' -he thinks in a sort of bitter irony before raising his hands and shutting his eyes.
A pentagram gets slowly drawn by Magnus's magic under the creature, black lines, powerful enough to keep it imprisoned, but not for long. And the poison is spreading fast in his body.
He takes a deep breath and starts to recite the spell, in ancient Greek, while beams of white magic coming out from his spread hands start to surround the demon all around, following the perimeter of the pentagram, which lines start to bright of yellow light as if becoming searing hot under Yanluo. The demon screeches madly in pain, for the few seconds it takes for the spell to be be complete. There, a massive light spread from the pentagram to up in the Sky, like an explosion of blinding sunlight. Something so bright that it can be seen even from Alicante.
The last thing Magnus can see before losing consciousness, is just the blinding light that pushes him back violently, making him land a few metres away. He doesn't even know what happened to the demon, when he faints.

Meanwhile, Robert escorts a very upset Maryse back to Alicante. Both of them saw the massive light coming from the necropolis.
Robert rushes to the house where they are staying and arm himself, actually refusing to abandon Magnus like that. Not just because he saved their lives, but also because he knows that Alec loves him and has no intention to allow a demon to take him away from his son.
Not being a fool, he decides to not go back alone. He rushes to Herondale home to ask Jace for help.
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3 | May 22nd 2017 07:41
SulBang •Boys, be quiet, I've gotten a bad headache...• Which is true, it takes a few more minutes to get rid of all the side effects from the demon's venom.
•I'm beyond sure anybody from Nortrig should be able to do it with less than half the effort.•
He shakes his head. •Don't start with all that, please.• The hero thing, he means. •It was a spell, from the Book of the White. Something I had never tried before.• Which means it could have cost his life anytime. •Besides, don't forget who am I!• And the fact he is the son of a Greater Demon himself, pretty much helps.
•Another love ended even before beginning?• He asks while drinking some more vodka.
•How is Alexander by the way?•
SulBang •Oh, humbleness is definitely not one of my /many/ virtues!• He winks at Jace. He brags a lot, that is for sure. Would an humble person give himself the title of "the Magnificent"? (XD)
•Should I take the risk to ask what Leonardo calls me?• He doesn't expect anything good.
•Apparently, I am always in the wrong place at the wrong time for a reason.• He won't say it was a bad idea to go visit Max's tomb. Had he not gone, Maryse and Robert would have had an horrible death.
•I will master the book, it takes its time, each spell is written in a different codex, more complicated the more powerful the spells are.• But the is damn good in that.
•Am extraterritorial Shadowhunter , basically.•
He sighs at Jace's last words. •I am doing my best...• To comfort him. But in truth, there is not much he can do other than be there when Alec wants him. He want to respect the need to be alone and such. Also wants to avoid another "lovely" conversation with Maryse.
SulBang •I don't think there is anything they could say of me, worse than what they say in my presence. I'm pretty sure I've heard all the worst in all possible shades and with all the grades of emphasis.• He is actually convinced that his friends give him kinder names at his back than in his presence, all in all.
He shrugs. •They are refusing to side with Downworlders to fight this battle, little to no chance they will want to side with something else.•
He shrugs. •No, I don't think he will. He knows numbers are on his side, he wants to save a few Nephilim for real and thus wants to give time to the coward ones to crawl to him. He will attack when he said he will.•
SulBang www.roleplay.me/blog/78913 if you wish ^^

He shrugs. •Almost all of them, to be more precise.• Hence why Raphael thinks he needs new friends. While being awful himself though. (XD)
•They are afraid. It's as simple as that. Some of them, fear us more than they fear Valentine.•
He looks down at Jace's words. •She is a clever girl, I'm sure she knows how to keep herself safe, even among those monsters...• Because saying "she could be already dead", didn't sound quite right to say to him right now.
SulBang •Not necessarely. She might even somehow be part of Valentine's plans...• For how reassuring that could even sound. But at least, there is some hope she is not dead just yet.
•Don't worry, Jace. I will watch over the Lightwood while you are away.• He would have done that in any case, for Alec's sake.