Gelee (Undertale OC)


Name: Gelee Dreemer(Former)

Nickname(s): Doll, Slime-face, lava-lamp

Gender: Female

Age: N/A

Species/What Are They: One of the only slime monsters in the underground, race as rare as skeletons

Soul (Color): Dark Green with a light green lava lamp like tone to it

Sexuality: Straight


Atc: 20

Def: 20

Exp: 10

LV: 20

Powers/Attacks: Mimic, able to mimic other monsters attacks she has seen previously in battle

Weapons: Her own personal attack(Which she does not use often) is a solid black knife with the ability to poison/bleed opponents to death upon impact

Fighting Style: Defensive, mostly a dodger until provoked which is when she will become offensive


Friends With: Most monsters

Neutral With: Mettaton, Agore

Enemies With: Chara

Family: Toriel(Does not remember), Asgore(Does not remember), Flowey(Remembers), Chara

Crush(es): Sans(In most AUs), Underswap Papyrus

Single, Taken, Or Talking (If the last two, with who): Single


Personality Towards Humans: Distant, defensive

Personality Towards Strangers: Distant, defensive

Personality Towards Friends: Silly, fun loving

Strengths: Kind hearted, does not attack unless provoked and tries to see the good in everyone

Weaknesses: Her ‘blackness’

Flaws: To trusting, does not see the bad until it is too late

Likes: Being around Sans and Papyrus, reading, drawing

Dislikes: Being separated from others for too long, quiet people, needles and doctors

Fears: Doctors, needles, medicine and the smell of nightshade


Eye Color: Yellow

Clothes: Depends on the AU

Hair: Depends on the AU

Skin: Dark purple upper half, light pink lower half with a lava lamp like appearance where the two meet

Other: Bright green tongue and mouth


Alignment: Neutral

Goals/Purpose: Tries to guide the human on a pacifist route most of the time

Job: Bus girl at Grillbys

Items: Golden Flower, 50 G, Skeleton Key


Backstory: Gelee does not remember her past aside from waking up in the basement of Home, alone and afraid. She gathers the courage to get up and explore the place she has awoken in to find the Dreemur family taking care of the fallen human Chara. She watches from afar until Chara turns her head and notices the small slime monster, pointing her out to her new family they look at her. After discussion, and no recollection of the girl, they bring her into their home as well where Asriel Chara and the girl grow up together with her new name Gelee. After Asriel and Chara pass away, Gelee finds herself at a loss of emotion as she begins to function almost like a doll. Asgore, worried about his last remaining child, talks to the head of the royal scientists to find a medication for her where he then sends his child off with the tall skeleton. Gaster takes her to his lab, examining her soul to find its odd color and lack of real motivation. His eyes widen as the girl's soul conforms and changes into a bright red color, matching the determination it had experienced growing up alongside Chara and Asriel. Gaster then begins to experiment on the monster girl, locking her away in his true lab and telling Asgore that he is developing a new medication for her when in truth he had begun to experiment on her soul to try and find a way to craft new human souls from her mimic ability. After several months he creates Sans and Papyrus, in an attempt to make his project go by faster. Gelee stays in her cell, listening to the brothers grow up in the lab and out of her sight without the two skeletons aware she was even there. As Gelee spends her time in the true lab for several years she finds ways to increase her magical abilities in attempt to escape and return to her mother and father until Gaster falls into the core, wiping his memories clean and allowing the three children of the true lab to escape. Though their escape was not without consequences, upon meeting Gelee Sans panics and throws Papyrus ahead of them as the lab begins to collapse. Gelee insists she wasn’t like Gaster as Sans attacks her despite the collapsing building around them, only infecting them to the cores glitches and allowing the two to remember every single reset. They all escape to Snowdin, all adults at this point though Gelee remains looking like a child they move into an empty house. Gelee unable to stay out in the snow for long as her body would solidify and kill her, she wanders around the snowdin forest for several hours at a time before Papyrus would rush her inside. She took residence in the ruins with Toriel, who had to remembrance of her being the girl's mother, to remain close to her and Flowey. She discovers her abilities to jump into other timelines one evening while practicing her magic, Ink greeting her in the Paper Sphere. She prefers to jump into Genocide timelines and turn them pacifist but when she doesn’t jump timelines she hangs out in the ruins and Snowdin with Sans and Papyrus.
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4 | Feb 28th 2017 21:33