
After an argument in which Anthony calls Dorian every insulting name in English, Italian and Dolashin, for acting like a selfish bastard, allowing anything to happen to their family and for not even investigating what happened with Thomas, after Timothy stood between the two to stop them (as they ended up fighting into the corridors of the Royal Palace, the idiots they are), he finally told the twin brother what he saw in Dominic"s memories. Harry. Dominic did not even notice the man as he barely even knew him but Anthony recognized him immediately.

Now, to everyone, Harry died in an explosion just the same day when Benjamin disappeared. And what Dominic saw was many months after that. If Harry is alive and just pretended to die, it can only mean he must be somewhat involved in what happened to their father and now Anthony will never let it go until he finds Harry.
Though it is hard, by now Harry could be anywhere in any world as it has been months since when Dominic saw him. Anthony also suspects Harry is involved in the set up Thomas was blamed for.
He does not deem wise to speak about this to the King nor his other sons, he prefers this to remain between them, not wanting interferences.

His plan.
In the Wildlands , other than the many dangers, there is more than just one source of supreme wisdom. Eastern ones, the Ancient Dragons. Northern ones, the First Dask. Western ones, the Wanderer Druid and Southern ones, the Lost Priestess.
Just like for the Dragons, these other creatures/subjects are legendary. Almost no one of those who left to look for them ever returned and the few who did, like Morgan, refuse to tell the tale to anyone. 
They are said to be impossible to find, many are convinced they don't exist at all. But they exist, it just requires much more than curiosity, will of knowledge, questions. The meeting must be earned, deserved, survived. These also grant only one answer per each life who manages to survive their "tests". And of course the answer is always unclear, extremely hard, to puzzle.
But to Anthony, if this can take them any closer to know about their father's fate, it is worth a shot.

//Note- the creatures/subjects are unlike Edward. They have not a deep connection with the Gods. Their will and actions are not bound to the Gods' will. Their wisdom comes from the fact they are the most ancient inhabitants of the world, and this is source of a great power they developed during the eras. And they are surely more pleasant than Edward, of course. (XD) - //

Anthony intends to seek a meeting with one of the creatures. Knowing the answer will most likely be an enigma, he thinks that 2 answers to 2 different but related questions will give them some more key points to a solution. So, the two decide that one (Anthony) will go to look for the First Dask, in the Northern Wildlands and will ask about Harry. Dorian will look for the Ancient Dragons in the Eastern Wildlands and will ask about Benjamin.

Anthony leaves the Royal Palace right away and heads to their old family manor in Shadowmoore. There , he wears his old armor (full black, cloth and obsidian, more cloth than metal) and takes his old sword, the very first creation of Thomas, who crafted it just for him as a gift.
And the sword is simply perfect for an Auriold and perfect for Anthony.
In Nortrig, there aren't weapons crafted randomly and sold, unless they are used as just mere decorations. Every weapon is crafted on commission, for the Auriold who will wield it. The weapons are created for the person, through Alchemical processes, a deep bond is created between the weapon and its wielder. Person's essence combined to the "element" (fire, light, darkness, energy, water, ice, storm etc, not just the classic natural elements) of the person and the weapon itself. No one can use someone else's weapon fully and effectively. Each weapon is a unique creation.
Taken this, he needs nothing else. Returning to his childhood home brought so many memories to him. He was set to join the army, if he had not met Sonny on Earth and got involved in his "world" .

He left Rea in their house in Sicily,  under the care of his loyal friend Greg, definitely one of the people he trusts the most.

He does not know what to expect, he was never in the Wildlands before but sure thing is, he is not afraid.
He  took an incomplete and inaccurate map of the area which is of little help, but still something. No one explored the parts in which he will have to venture, not even Charles and Samuel.
On his way there though, he meets Edward and is stopped by him. The two have a very brief conversation. Edward knows what Anthony is intending to do, but won't stop him nor anything. He also knows that this is going to bring a massive change of Anthony's life and his future.
After that, with decision and no hesitation, Anthony reaches the start of the Northern Wildlands. His true, main enemy will be the cold. Something insane, something reaching such depth to kill like a poison cloud.
Magic is the only way to counter the cold as not even a normal fire could provide any warmth once reached the second level of the Wildlands.

It takes him about three days of walking non-stop to reach the limit of the first level, much "warmer" than what awaits him next.
Many furry wild creatures inhabit the first level, and they are of course extremely hostile and aggressive to the intruders, as they are not used to "human-like" creatures and see anyone as threat+food.
He was attacked by several,  but avoided to damage them. He is not there to kill innocent animals, he has no right to and he knows it. It is their habitat not his, their home to protect from foreign threats and he absolutely respects it.
He takes a night of rest near the border, without crossing it. No one ever went beyond the second level and there are 5 more, harsher and harsher. And there is 1 thing he knows for sure. After crossing the border, he will not be able to sleep nor to rest nor stop. Or he will wake up right in front of Zimkesha. Sleep will tempt him, he can't know how long he will have to walk to reach the end of the seventh level, he can't afford to start the suicidal path without full-energies. And for his luck, he has lots of them, his "element" is energy itself.

The next morning, he does not eat. Eating consumes energies to digest and digestion causes sleepiness. For this reason he acted cunningly and provided himself with special alchemical elixirs to restore strengths without need of food. He also brought specific potions and materials with himself, he is not a fool, he did not go with empty-hands to face a sure death, he went to fight, play every card till the very end.
Once up, he crosses the border. The cold is literally paralyzing, it reaches the bones and is as sharp as thousands blades slicing  his entire body at once. He gasps. The air is heavy, breathing itself is an agony for how cold the air is. It causes his nose to bleed but it is far from enough to intimidate him. He is stubborn to death, literally. Not to mention how he would rather die than prove Dorian better than him,  by crawling back.
He covers his nose with hands, wearing heavy, thick wooly covered with leather gloves and proceeds.
Nothing alive is here. Literally. Not even plants. Only snow, ice and sharp wind.
The cold is stunning, it slows his movements, makes him stiff, dizzy and vulnerable. Not even ghosts are there, for no human could survive to reach this far. Auriold from the North can bear and survive a much lower temperature than mortals, who would not even have a chance to survive the temperature of the first level.

He was hoping he could manage to stand without magic till at least a few miles but after barely 1 km he realized he was dying already. Falling asleep, his eyes shutting on their own while walking. That awareness sound the alarm in his mind and he immediately cast an inner-fire spell, to raise his body temperature and keep him warm.
He walks for many hours without a single stop. Energies are consumed much faster than normal and he is forced to also use the elixirs much earlier than he hoped.
At the end of the second level, he is already half frozen, his supplies consumed for half. For the third level, he will need a different approach.
He unsheathes his sword and runs, using the weapon as during a training, slash/parry/lounge/launch/grab with other hand/repeat. It ensures him to keep his whole body active, warmer and thus reduce the risk of losing a limb due to exposure. And it works pretty fine. Activity+potions+elixirs+amulets+magic allow him to overcome the next levels, but when he finally reaches the border of the seventh, he has to realize he ran out of potions and elixirs. Magic and activity will drain his energy like lechers and he will have not a single way to restore it. But he cannot stop either or he will die in no time, falling asleep.
¬Gods, assist me...not for me, for Benjamin...for Amelis...for Thomas..¬ he mutters where his voice even echoes for how empty that place is. But those words gave him a morale boost. "Do not forget who you are doing this for. Your failure will damage them. You must do it for them, for the family." he repeats to himself. It works for a while but eventually he just collapses on the snow. He made this far, further than anyone else, just to fall here, so close to the end. He falls asleep before even realizing it.
But as soon as that happens, he sees Edward in his dream. He says him to wake up, with an angry tone. And actually, that is enough. He will never know if it was just a dream or Edward actually entered his mind to save his life, what matters is that he is awake now. But those few second were enough to lose his arm. Frozen. Completely. Gone. With all probabilities, it will have to be cut off, should he survive. Which is currently not an option he is considering.
All he hopes is to survive long enough to communicate the answer he will be given to Dorian so that he will be able to proceed on his own.
After more struggles, when he is literally at the end of his life, the Dask finally shows up. Totally white. A woman with insanely long hair, Rapunzel-like, totally white hair, white eyes, white skin, white dress. One could barely distinguish her from the snow and the white sky.
She stops a few meters from Anthony, who is struggling to breathe.
"How dare you intrude my land, unwise young Auriold? What rights do you claim, to have the arrogance to seek a meeting with me, the Mother of this world, its first and original keeper?"

He is all crouched, using his sword as a stick to support himself. His sight is totally blurry, just like his mind. ¬My claim...is my last wish...the last wish of an existence which is about to be erased...¬ he does not manage to speak properly at all, and his voice is as loud as a murmur. He slowly falls on his knee, on purpose, and it gives a quite unpleasant "crack" sound, but by now, he can't feel a single inch of his body.

His words sort of surprised the Dask woman. "Your arrogance cost you a high price. Would you willingly die, for your answer?"

He struggles to keep some lucidity, to be able to understand and reply at least. ¬I would pay any price, every, if that'd bring even half step closer to save my father...but do...tell it to Dorian...I won't. ..have the time to...¬ he collapses on the ground.

"I can't. The Ancient Dragon granted him his answer. I can't grant him mine too."

¬E...d...ward...Rid..d...d..le...¬ to that, he simply passes out. It was more than he could take, he pushed too far.

He wakes up two days later. Not on the snow but in on a bed, in a dark room. Besides him, Shelly, placing a warm, wet cloth on his forehead. He asks where he is, how he reached there and is told that Edward brought him here and saved his life. At first though, he is far from pleased, because he thinks that all was vane. Though, as soon as he manages to speak with Edward, he realizes it is not so.
The Dask, not just allowed him to survive, allowed Edward to rescue him, she also granted him his "last" wish and told Edward the answer to the question Anthony had, even though he did not manage to ask her, she knew what he wanted to ask.
Edward strongly suggests him to visit Jackil, no other doctor, if he wants to keep his arm. He managed to save it, but keeping the arm will bring him a lot of pain, spasm, it won't be as effective as a sane one, it'll be always weaker and any efforts will increase the pain. Cutting it off would be the wisest solution, but of course Anthony won't allow it, he'll rather suffer the consequences than losing his arm.
Clarified that, Edward finally reveals him the exact words the Dask told him: "In the eyes of a child, the widest, furthest and unreachable horizons can be explored. Something an adult mind won't be able to believe or will refuse to understand. But they never lie."
Heart this
1 | Jun 28th 2015 17:14