
I think these are pretty standard and are important for everyone who wants to roleplay with me to follow.

1. Please be 18+. My roleplays usually will include mature themes, and I would prefer not to write such material with anyone below the age of 18. Maturity is very important to me.

2. I write in third person and I am multi para-novella roleplayer. If you write only one liners or semis or paras, please do not add me.

3. A grammar mistake here and there is always okay but put effort into your writing. I'd rather wait for you to finish typing up a response than get one that is poorly written and rushed.

4. Don't make me come up with the plot alone, make plot with me. It can be frustrating when I am the only one brainstorming. Help me out so we can both enjoy this roleplay.

5. I don't have very many limits when it comes to mature themes but I will let you know if something feels uncomfortable during a role.

6. If you feel disconnected from a roleplay, let me know and we can stop instead of you just leaving without a word. If you are just leaving for a long time or have to take a break from writing, also let me know instead of leaving me as a sitting duck. I understand we all have personal lives out of this site and that is more than fine and if I have the time to tell you I am busy, I hope you can do the same also.

7. Please do not pester me for responses. By pestering, I mean asking me twice in a day or every day if I had time to reply because the answer is probably no. It also may sometimes appear I am online but not replying because I simply wanted to check on the website or send out a message saying I'm busy.

8. Usually, I tend to write 600-1000 words (about 2-4 paragraphs) per response though, my writing can also easily reach 1000+ words if I have enough to go off of. My personal preference is around 800 but I always tend to get ahead of myself lol. I can always dial it back a bit but I will not write less than 600 words unless I don't have enough from you to go off of. I like length and detail and the more there is, usually the better a rolepay is. I understand how responses take time, especially long ones, but I don't ever mind the wait. It is always worth it.

9. As an obvious one, please no god-moding unless we’ve discussed a time skip or anything like that. Please don't write for my character.

10. I do not give out personal information. This rule might change depending on how well I know you/how long I've been roleplaying with you but for the most part, all you need to know is that I am over 18.

11. I will not add you if your account is under a week old. I've had too many incidents where I start a roleplay with someone that I look forward to and they drop off the face of the earth after a few days.

If you have read these and agree with the terms, please heart or comment on this post. Thank you.

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232 | Jan 3rd 2017 20:55