Zoey Swanson

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Full Name: Zoey Ann Swanson
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Zoe, anything that could refer to her height (Shorty, Smalls, etc.)
Pronunciation(s): Zo-ee Swan-sun
Age: 23 (in some AU’s she’s 17.)
Gender: Female
Species/Breed: Human
Birth date: September 3, 1995
Age at Death: N/A (simply because of different outcomes that lead to her death. There is not an exact age or death I would consider canon as of yet.)
Date of Death: N/A
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Personality: Zoey is a friendly girl with a strange sense of humor. Her humor could be in what’s considered modern-day memes, ‘roasts’ or plainly just racist or dark in nature. This is, though, when she's intoxicated, which is most of the time. She can think before she speaks, but most of the time, she doesn’t, which can result in her saying some relatively shocking things.

When she ISN’T drunk, she is more quiet to keeps to herself. She has an issue with stuttering, and overall is depressing. She’s VERY pessimistic and at some points, can be snappy and irritable.

An alter ego of Zoey’s is for her red room- a sick and twisted individual who mocks and teases her victims. Her personality for her shows could be described and theatrical- or similar to a salesman. She’s loud, confident, and constantly trying to convince her viewers for payment. She never uses this alter ego outside of her business.
Likes: Zoey likes quite a lot of things, actually. She usually voices about her enjoyment of knives, spicy foods, and her research in the deep and dark web (which also is pretty much of a pride thing for her as well). She likes camouflage, and for the most part, her favorite color is green- though she also will voice how she likes a black and red combo in design. She likes music, mostly alternative rock and electro swing-- but she listens to a lot of pop from 2000-2014.
Dislikes: Zoey hates anything bitter- such as coffee. In fact, she usually prefers to drown her coffee in sugar and creamer. She certainly hates being told she has ‘daddy issues’. She won’t admit it, but she also hates being alone, or being abandoned.
Fears: Arachnophobia, Trypophobia, Claustrophobia, Athazagoraphobia
Weaknesses: One of Zoey’s biggest weaknesses would be how quick she is to get emotionally attached to a person. Her attachments can get out of hand with her being excessively possessive and obsessed with the person. She is most likely to stalk that person once she becomes attached. She’s not particularly good with firearms, with the aim of a three-year-old with a sniper. She could probably only hit anyone with a gun if they’re closer to her. Ranged, she’s f***ed.
Strengths: Zoey is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, which merges in with her skill of using melee weapons, mostly blades. Her small size also makes her quicker, and much harder to hit. She’s rather brave, and doesn’t typically shows any hesitation when fighting, usually being able to just attack head-on with no problem (this can also be referred to as a weakness as well). She is decent at creating plausible plans and covering up her tracks, which is why anyone has been unable to pin her for her crimes.
Special/Significant Belongings: Her butterfly knife is considered significant to her. Not only is it her source of defense or crime, but it’s also a gift from her mother. If only her mother knew what she was using that knife for--
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Height: 4’9”
Weight: 93 lbs
Body Type: Average
Markings: N/A
Material Markings (formerly "mutations"): N/A
Jewelry: N/A
Piercings/Tattoos: N/A
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Zoey has a barely noticeable scar on her side from a time when she had fallen from a tree above a rubble pile, and cut her side on a sheet of metal.
Any physical disabilities/diseases/ailments: Zoey doesn’t suffer from any physical issues as she does mental issues.
Any medications/treatments: Zoey used to take medication for anxiety, ADHD, depression, and schizophrenia, but she has neglected to take her medication for quite some time now.
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Relationship Status: Single (in a broad perspective. Depending on the fandom, she could be in a relationship.)
Spouse/Mate: N/A
Children: N/A
Children's Statuses: N/A
Parents: Elena and Barry Swanson
Parent's Statuses: Alive
Sibling(s): She has a ‘brother’ named Oryol, who is a russian man who used to reside in Chernobyl to find artifacts. She doesn’t see him often, and he’s not biologically her brother by any means, but she refers to him as such.
Sibling Status(es): Unknown
Any Other Important Family: She has an uncle named Kordell who is her mother’s brother. She also refers to a family friend named Hiro Asaki as an uncle.
Best friend(s): Her assistant in her works, named Viktor Petrenkov.
Friends: TBD
Acquaintances: TBD
Assistants: Viktor Petrenkov
Guards: Viktor Petrenkov
Allies: TBD
Pets/Special Animals: N/A
Enemies: TBD
Main Enemy(ies): TBD
Most Hated: TBD
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Stories that this character appears in: In universes I typically put her in, since she’s a multi-verse character is Persona, Dying Light, SCP, and Lobotomy Corporation.
Status: She’s very much alive in most of them- considered deceased in Dying Light verse.
Backstory: Zoey was born and raised the first few years of her life in Long Beach, California. She lived mostly with her uncle (brother of her mother) while her parents worked. When she had turned five, Zoey’s family had moved to Los Angeles for work purposes for her parents, in which she then lived with a family friend, and began going to school in LA. When she was twelve, she had moved again for work purposes to Frankfurt, Germany and lived with her parents more.
Zoey continued to live in Frankfurt for the next three years. About this time was when she began to show signs of depression and anxiety. When she was fifteen Zoey had attempted suicide via overdose on twenty 800 mg ibuprofen pills. She was found by her mother and taken to a hospital immediately to be flushed. After her recovery, she was placed in a mental institute for two weeks, then was released.
At this point was when Zoey became more careless of what she did. She began doing drugs (mostly marijuana, but sometimes also hallucinogenics- mostly acid), drinking, and overall getting into trouble. Mostly for shoplifting, possession of drugs, underaged drinking, and even in some cases aggravated assault. In the span from the age of fifteen to her current age, she has been put in jail multiple times, and has been put on parole.
Her interest in red rooms and the dark web came around the time she was 17. It started with videos, then venturing into it herself. After a long while of research and morbid curiosity, she decided to attempt murder. Her first successful murder was a high school girl, who had gone missing and still could not be found to this day. After that first murder, she continued on killing, perfecting her ‘art’. Soon, at the age of 19, was when she decided to start her red room. Now, she is a successful host of a red room, earning a good sum of money for her shows.
Place of Birth: Long Beach, California.
Past Living Quarters: She has lived in Long Beach and Los Angeles California, and Frankfurt Germany.
Current and Future Homes: Depends on the plot for current location.
Native Language(s): English, German
Languages Spoken: English, German, Russian, Japanese
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Occupation/Job: Red room host
Boss: N/A
Talents: She is best at keeping her tracks covered for the most part- if that’s even considered a ‘talent’. Other than that, she is skilled in doing tricks with a balisong knife.
Level of Education(graduated from high school, college, extra university work, etc.): High school graduate.
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Skills/Techniques: Excels in hand-to-hand combat, which she incorporates with any fighting she does with melee weapons. Moderately skilled with torture methods- rather messy.
Special Powers: N/A
Weapon(s) of Choice: Balisong knife (Butterfly knife)

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1 | Oct 25th 2016 14:45