
Let's go all over into details again!

>As the name suggests, Noctum is a nocturnal school, meaning students actually go school during the night, and it is during night that lessons actually happen, including open-air activities and tests. In the specific, from 21:00 to 05:00.
For those who live at school:
Sleep from 5:30 to 15:00 max -they can wake up and leave the dormitories any time in between-.
Lunch: 15:15.
Free time for homeworks and other activities: from 16 to 19:30.
Dinner: 19:30.

>Living at school is not mandatory. Only students who actually want to live there do so, the rest head home in the morning, when classes end. (-Of our own chars- Tristan, Frerin, Mireya, Simon and Celduin do NOT live at the school. Bells and Lucian do.
The only headmaster who lives at school thus spends the day there is Ezekiel. Others come at different times in the afternoon.
Professors who live at school: Bart, Elizabeth, Ezekiel and Alaric.)

>Obviously, every race-group as its own dormitory. It means, that Werewolves, KoZ, Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters and Mix races sleep in 5 different areas of the castle, and similarly to Hogwarts, students belonging to different groups have no access to other races' rooms.

>Males and Females are of course separated in two different dormitories. Thus, 2 dormitories x each group. 10 different dormitories.

>Like every school in Nortrig, there are 11 years of school to attend to obtain a diploma to have access to the Academies. Diplomas from all schools are equally treated as all schools teach the same identical subjects, except Noctum that has extra subjects race-specific, meant to teach the monsters how to be monsters at the max of their potential.

-Year 1: meant for the youngest, kids who never were school before. Everything is taught from the beginning, including writing, reading and counting to ten. Except special cases, it's only meant for kids of the age of 10 and below.
-Year 2: meant for all the students who successfully pass the first years exams at the end of the first year.
-Year 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- same procedure, just advancing with difficulty of subjects and age.
-Year 11: meant for the students who successfully passed the previous years and it is focused in the preparation for the months of exams waiting them to obtain their diploma.

Obviously, classes of each year take place separatedly. Would make less than no sense to have a lesson of a same subject including students of different preparations. i.e. A math class with 1st year students who are to be taught how to count and do additions, with students of further years that should be able to do that without needing to think.

>Professors of each subject are about the same for all years, except in rare situations, like Carlie's case. The fact she doesn't teach to her sons doesn't mean that she teaches to the 6th year except them and when they have her class, they leave the room, it means she doesn't teach to their whole year. Every student at the 6th year with them will have Elizabeth for Literature instead of Carlie. Same goes with some professors who are deemed dangerous for the first years.

>It's a school for monsters, they don't have water dispensers in the corridor for when students get thirsty, they have blood dispensers.

>School has rules as much as every other schools. Punishments are much harsher and physical than in other schools. The Alphas might seem funny types, but they are certainly not soft nor merciful, by all means, especially with races that are not their own.

>Races outside KoZ, Werewolves, Shapeshifters and Skinwalkers are not in Noctum by right, but by concession. They were granted to be in a school to which they do not belong. And what is granted is taken back as fast.

Viktor, of all the Headmasters of the school, is the most strict. He is entirely inflexible and merciless. Rules are to be followed in a total and absolute way, it exists no "first time is forgiven" with him. Especially when he personally forbids something.

>As for sports:
-Battlefield is open only to Skinwalkers, Werewolves and Knights of Zimkesha.
-Quidditch is open to Werewolves, Skinwalkers, Knights of Zimkesha and Shapeshifters. Knights of Zivhur can only take the roles of Seeker and Keeper.
-Tennis is open to: Nimox vs Nimox or Shapeshifters; KoZ vs KoZ or Z'Ks; Werewolves vs Werewolves or Skinwalkers; Shapeshifters vs Shapeshifters or Nimox.
No other type of matching is allowed.

>The external areas of the school, where Alphas will teach the race-specific subjects are forbidden and restricted to every other race, especially Mixed races, as there is a reason why said subjects are taught far away and not among them in the school.

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2 | Oct 1st 2016 09:53