Sara Hartley

Name: Sara Hartley

Age 188 (appears to be 18 years old) (age can be adjusted

Origin birthplace: London

Current residence: North Dakota

Distinguishing marks: Tattoos on her chest,neck,arms,and legs.

Medical conditions: None

Likes: Friends, dancing, animals,cooking, honest people, candy

Dislikes:liars, abuse, fighting, stealing, pretending to be someone else

Current occupation: Bakery worker

Scent: Vanilla and Firewood

Since Sara was a child, she had been taken into a wealthy family and lived in the best part of London since then. She loved it out there, her parents had spoiled her at times, but she was placed into the best schools, all of which were paid for. As a teenager,She was given the chance to go to one of the best schools on a full ride scholarship,which she accepted. Now an adult,after the time in college, at a reunion party with her closest friends and her current boyfriend, she had been Attempting to dislodge a football from a tree in the park, only to have noticed the guests had fled upon noticing the supposed wolf now sitting there staring at her. She didn't have any time to react or fight back when the wolf charged her. After the wolf attacked her, she was left for certain death. If it hadn't been for her parents bringing her to the hospital she'd be done for. After being discharged from the hospital after staying for a month, she had been experiencing strange things after the wolf bit her. It was after a full moon occurred, she had realized she could turn into a werewolf at any given time,but it would leave her very tired in the end depending how long she stayed in her werewolf state. After hearing in the news about a wild animal roaming the streets and incidents of it attacking others, she had been panicking which made her relatives leave to think something happened to her. After they questioned her About what else happened that night, she refused to answer about it. The paranoia eventually got to her and lead to one night where she packed up everything she could and left to live in the United States without saying a word to anyone. For years now she has been struggling to live a normal life now in Louisiana for a few a years,before moving to North Dakota to start anew. She loves it out there, but wishes to eventually meet someone that will understand what she is and won't see her any different for it.

Ever since That day, she has been able to hide who she was while avoiding anyone who asked her about the day the attack happened to her. She still holds hope she can meet someone who would understand the issue she is facing and will be there for her as she tries to seek answers about what happened to her.
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2 | Aug 15th 2016 18:32