Elorah Thornwood || Fantasy

⊹.ᐩCharacter Name⊹.ᐩ Elorah Thornwood

⊹.ᐩAge⊹.ᐩ 230

⊹.ᐩGender⊹.ᐩ F

⊹.ᐩRace/Species⊹.ᐩ Half-Elf

⊹.ᐩOccupation / Class⊹.ᐩ Druid Herblist

⊹.ᐩPairings⊹.ᐩ MxF FxF

⊹.ᐩ Appearance ⊹.ᐩ
♡Physical Description: Elorah has striking red hair that cascades in loose curls, often adorned with a crown of wildflowers. Her blue eyes are vibrant and full of curiosity, framed by long lashes, paired with pearly white teeth. She has a sun-kissed complexion with a scattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, hinting at her love for the outdoors. At just 5’0 she is among the shortest of her race but with a thin but curvy frame she is a sight for sore eyes. She is fit and petite with a certain grace to the way she holds herself. She has a small waist and naturally large child bearing hips.

♡Clothing: She wears mainly short tunic-style dresses made from natural fabrics like linen or cotton. These dresses are usually in earthy tones like green, brown, and beige, often adorned with subtle floral embroidery and a corset to enhance her natural curves. She wears her signature locket and 2 gold rings every day. She carries small pouches attached to a leather belt around her waist. These pouches hold herbs, healing balms, a small knife, and other essentials she might need during her excursions.

♡Distinctive Features: Her captivating blue eyes entice everyone she meets along with her plump lips and long eyelashes. Her smooth skin and freckles are enough to make her natural beauty shine.

⊹.ᐩPersonality Traits⊹.ᐩ
Elorah is a free spirit, deeply connected to nature. She is kind-hearted, empathetic, and has an innate ability to understand and communicate with animals. Despite her gentle demeanor, she possesses a fierce determination and a strong sense of justice. She is always curious and asking questions about everything. While she seems quiet, once she opens up she is beyond loving and fiercely loyal.

⊹.ᐩBackground & History⊹.ᐩ
Elara grew up in the small village of Greenhollow, nestled at the edge of an ancient forest. Her parents, both herbalists, taught her the ways of plants and their healing properties from a young age. As a child, Elara often wandered the woods, befriending animals and learning the secrets of the forest. As their only child, Adella and Gordon Thorwood have done everything in their power to give Elorah a well rounded education and taught her the ways of life early. Before Gordon’s mysterious disappearance, Elorah was always a daddy’s girl.

When she turned 180, Elorah discovered she had a unique gift: she could commune with nature spirits. This ability allowed her to sense the balance of nature and understand its needs. The spirits entrusted her with the task of protecting the forest and its inhabitants from harm.

⊹.ᐩHobbies & Important Facts⊹.ᐩ
♡ She is skilled in herbalism and natural medicine, often crafting remedies for the villagers. Her bond with nature allows her to heal injured animals and even plants. She has a calming presence that can soothe both people and creatures in distress.
♡ She loves to cook & bake! She is constantly sharing her latest creations with anyone willing to try. She has even sold her famous bakery items in a local market when her parents have been tight on funds.
♡ She is slowly getting into her more creative side. She has been working with her mom learning how to embroider and make things like quilts for babies born in their small community. Her father has even given her a lesson or two in woodworking.

♡ Find her father. She had been using her connections to nature to slowly track where he may have gone but her mother is constantly holding her back, scared she would end up with the same fate.
♡Have a life and family of her own. She is a hopeless romantic that dreams of moving to her own cottage and have her own healing shop where she can help those less fortunate.
♡While she may seem too good to be true, she has a major hidden secret / side that she hasn’t revealed to anyone. It is the biggest set back in her life that has taken years and years of training to live with.
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2 | May 23rd 2024 21:53