
Surprisingly enough for a type like her, she is reading often. She doesn't love it but wants to find as many informations as she can about Love and Fertility elements. She started to notice changes in the little dragon since when they moved to Guyun, he got a little more active and playful, but she still keeps him locked in her room when she is away.
She has taken various books from a library and is now searching each of them sat on a short wall.
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1 | May 23rd 2024 15:44
Cyno «I am not fond of that, either. I thought that the track you mentioned was something like elemental tracks that can be detected by vision wielders. They should not hide their nature and I will do my utmost to prevent further incidents from occurring.»
He didn't take into account that possibility. «I see. That makes it impossible to keep a stable relationship. Unless your partner was someone who could move along with you.»
He nods. «My path is not one I can give up.» Also since it's literally his nature as Demigod of Justice.
Irya "Nothing like that, their eyes can also be a hint but there is not really a certain rule.
That'd be nice, but said partner would need the skills to keep moving with me." She'd hate to loose another companion. "Once I'll decide to settle, I'll contact them back and if they are still avaliable...
What is that you are looking forward to?"
Cyno «I'll focus on restricting the freedom of those who enter the city without being able to provide an official id.»
He slightly shrugs at her words. He is not someone who can give advices on relationships.
«My ultimate goal is to eradicate injustice in all of its forms, no matter how arduous or impossible it may seem, I won't stop pursuing this path.»
Irya "Planning to take control over everyone new? Covering every new entrance might be impossible."
She tilts her head at his last words. "You like giving yourself difficult objectives, don't you?" She snorts slightly. "What a guy you are. At least not the usual dumb guy."
Cyno «It is not impossible, it only requires more guards and a level of security that the kind of people who like to ignore the law will consider "tyrannical".» But thankfully, he is not the King and can't take the decisions himself.
«I merely follow my sense of duty and mortality. I have no guarantee to succeed, but that doesn't mean I would give up.»