Oc post - Veit S.

Veit Scheußlich

Age: 126 yo
Species: basically a Frankenstein monster/vamp
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Omega (defective)

Scent: wood, pine trees
Height: 178 cm

Personality: Veit is a quiet reserved man, more so because he’s socially inept than by choice. He'd rather observe and respond with actions than speak. Not that he lacks the vocabulary, he was brought up well and is always curious to acquire more knowledge. However he tends to overthink everything and while his mind is caught in that whirlwind, words fail him. Which is why he often finds other ways to express himself. Seemingly in his own world most of the time, he finds peace in isolation, in abandoned places and calm spaces. But don’t misunderstand, he’ll try his best to get out of his comfort zone for someone if they mean a lot to him, no matter how much it costs him.

Flaws: Unfortunately he’s plagued by ptsd and insecurities, addicted to coffee because he doesn’t like sleeping (nightmares), loses track of time easily so he also forgets to eat or drink, he’s unaware of some of his abilities which stresses him out to no end and means unpredictable reactions.

Likes: Painting, sketching and anything artistic, fruit pastes, the smell of summer rains and storms, music boxes (he collects them)...

Dislikes: Being touched out of the blue, anything related to hospitals or doctors (phobia related to his past), being surrounded by too many people or being the center of attention.

Occupation: He sells some of his paintings, refurbishes houses or monuments occasionally, does little odd jobs here and there.

Backstory: There is very little Veit remembers of his childhood or his teenage years. Most of his memories before he met Owen are extremely blurry and vague. Sometimes they resurface in his dreams or he gets that feeling of déjà-vu out of nowhere.

What he does remember all too clearly though, is falling in love. With a young scientist that he met when he was traveling to paint new landscapes. He extended his stay in the guy’s city and eventually stayed indefinitely. Because they got engaged. And while many might think this could lead to a happy ending, this isn’t that kind of story.

At first Veit didn’t meddle at all in his fiancé’s work. He’d only set foot in the laboratory to bring his beloved some food and drinks when he was too busy working to care for himself properly. And he didn’t mind taking care of the manor or the chores. He considered it part of his duties as a future husband. In his mind at least, it was natural that he helped. After all he didn’t have anything to his name compared to his betrothed.

However, once he’d started to take an interest in what Owen was doing, there was no turning back. The man seemed so excited to share his research with someone and so desperate to get recognition that the painter couldn’t refuse him when he asked for help. It was just small, insignificant stuff at the beginning. Giving him a blood sample or two, checking some data here and there. Then, without even realizing it, he’d started to partake in experiments. Letting his other half test things out on him. Again, mostly harmless stuff at first. That’s why he didn’t see anything coming. He would never have imagined that his fiancé was so obsessed with his projects that he’d eventually turn him into his guinea pig.

The man he’d known had vanished. Only a crazed, obsessive man remained and he had Veit at his mercy. Shackled to the basement where he could do everything he wanted to him. Some days, he wasn’t even conscious, which he thanks the heavens for. But it wasn’t always the case. There are too many memories he wishes he could erase entirely from his mind. Every scar on this body that he hates with a burning passion, is a horrible reminder that none of it was just a horrible dream. It was all too real.

Now you might wonder how he’s alive and why he’s here. Truth be told, Veit isn’t sure himself how he managed to escape. But he did. One day, when Owen was gone. Which hadn’t happened in a very very long time. He had no way to tell how much time had passed since the last time he’d seen the sun. Regardless, he broke free. Not without pain but going into detail about that would just be gruesome. What happened proved just how much his body had been tampered with. And before he left the mansion for good, Veit destroyed most of it. The moment he saw his reflection in the hallway mirror made him lose his mind. Blinded by rage and sorrow, he broke everything he could then set it all alight.

In the night, as the flames consumed what remained of his once-cherished past, he left silently. On the run since, he can only pray Owen never finds him and tries to enjoy the freedom that was robbed from him for so long.

Appearance: Short white hair, deep wine red eyes and scars all over. Awfully pale, some patches of his skin are different colors and he has various degrees of mutilations (not self inflicted).

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0 | May 19th 2024 11:18