Stanford Pines - Canon Compliant

Stanford Pines - Canon Compliant

Name: Stanford Filbrick Pines

Age: 60+

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: I don't have time for that-! (Gay)

Status: I'm too busy with my work to think of dating... (Single)

Family: Stanley Pines (Twin Brother), Dipper and Mabel Pines (Niece and Nephew), Shermie Pines (Younger Brother)

Affiliation: None

Enemies: Bill Cipher, the Time Police, some other interdimensional authorities and criminals

Bio: Stanford Filbricks Pines, the man who thought would change the World. Stanford's story begins over 30 years ago, in Gravtiy Falls Oregon. After finishing his degree at Backupsmore University, Stanford moved to Gravity Falls with a Grant to try and investigate and catelogue the Unusual and Strange that seemed to flourish there. As he dug deeper however, he would uncover a secret buried by an ancient civilization, and come into contact with Bill Cipher himself. He would think of Bill as his Muse, as Bill promised the Secrets of the Universe and More, if Ford built an interdimensional portal to unlock those Secrets.

With the help of an old friend, one Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket, he was well on his way to completing the portal-until the dark Truth of its true purpose was revealed to him. Betrayed and nearly driven mad by Bill, Ford desperately invited his estranged brother, Stanley Pines to his home in Oregon to try and cover his tracks from Bill-but the brothers, still bitter over a falling out, ended up in a terrible fight, resulting in Ford accidently flung through the portal and into the multiverse... He would have to spend 30 years trying to survive, and avoid the Time Police and Bill's minions, before he could return home to Gravity Falls.

Now home once again, the distrust and tension between himself and his brother Stan still complicates his plans, especially now that Dipper and Mabel, his Grand-Niece and Nephew, are ALSO in Bill's Crosshairs...
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0 | May 4th 2024 01:23