Ardeth Bay (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns)

Name: Ardeth Bay

Age: Mid 20s

Ethnicity/Race: Egyptian, Arab

Height: 6'1

Physique: Muscular

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Leader of the twelve tribes of Medjai

Tattoos: Ancient, tribal symbols upon forehead, cheeks, hands, forearms and chest

Additional Information:
Ardeth Bay is the High Chieftain of the Twelve Tribes of the Medjai people, a people sworn to keep evil from destroying humanity and the world. He is a fierce warrior who is extremely loyal to those whom he deems his friend. He is selfless, and would easily give his life to protect his friends, people and family. He is also merciless, he would not hesitate to strike down any who dare threaten peace or those he cares for. He has no children nor significant other.
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1 | May 2nd 2024 02:17