~ Rules ~

Yep, rules are unfortunately important. You think most of these things would be common knowledge by now, but suppose not XD Anyway, here goes:

1.) You add, you talk - The simplest, yet most common issue. I'll 9.999 times outta 10 message first if I add you, so I expect the same courtesy. As an addition, I do not do well with "Hello, hope we can RP." I'm a very particular social creature, the easiest way to indicate to me that you have no interest in the finer details of our relationship as writing partners is giving me the most bare-bones, dullest hook message- and if I feel like we don't click, I will just remove you. Apologies, but that's how it be.

2.) Our Relationship - As writing partners, I /expect/ some manner of rapport between us OOC. Arguably, the best stories are written between people that vibe and mesh well. While our OOC relationship is not a priority over the stories we make, I will make an attempt to establish some manner of rapport with you. This also means I keep my list very, very small- in order to foster an environment where I can be more personable with each of my partners.

3.) Length of Time between posts - As an extension to the previous rule, but an altogether different rule, the length of time I look for between posts is anywhere from 30 minutes, to a few hours. I find it difficult to cope when I'm super into a story, and my partner's average post time is longer than 24 hours... This is purely due to my predisposition to get really into the stories I right XD Most often, I can handle it, but anything longer than 24 hours gets a no from me.

4.) Removal, at my discretion - This rule feels simple, but I'll elaborate. In order to keep my list small, as mentioned in Rule 1, I reserve the ability to remove people as I see fit. Whether that be a lack of connection, a vibe check you failed, or you've suddenly stopped replying to any manner of message. While I /am/ here to Roleplay, I'm here to make friends as well. I want to write /with/ those friends. I apologize if this particular rule makes me out to be a prude a-hole, but it's simply how I choose to operate :/

- First, if you've not read my page, or my rules. I will know, and unless we click nearly immediately, it is grounds for nigh instant removal.

- If you've gone several days without replying (IC, or OOC), I will give you a poke, remind you, or ask if you're alright and need some time. I'm a very understanding birb, if you need time PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me. Burn out, busy IRL, not liking where the RP has gone, all valid reasons to reply, but I ask that you please let me know, and we can adjust accordingly. Communication. Is. Key.

- If you've given me nothing in terms of a greeting message, or I'm carrying the conversation or RP discussion. This is the easiest way to get removed. Sorry not sorry, I do not carry convo's well, and I despise zero-engagement.

(I may add to this section as I see fit. Leaving it for now, in the interest of getting these out.)

5.) If you're reading this, tell me /your/ favorite birb, mine's the raven o3o

6.) NSFW - let's get what I will NOT do out of the way, right away: Bathroom stuff, nxcro, pxdo, violence, vore. There's more, but this feels like the most basic stuff. I'm a kinky guy, but I do not cross the line into Taboo.

As for what I will do... Suppose you can ask, I'm not gonna jeopardize my account to say what I will do, because as WE ALL KNOW, this site is /not/ meant for ERP. *cough cough*.

7.) Discord - I'm gonna say what most don't: this site did /not/ age well. As a means to meet writing partners, it excels with flying colors. However, it is not a great place to write actual RP. Once we get deep in the trenches of story discussion, I may be willing to move over, but I gotta like your vibe first. So ye.

I believe that's it... I may add to this, but for now, I think we're good ^^
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6 | Apr 29th 2024 03:57