Fuyuki Minami ❤

Name: Fuyuki Minami

Age: 17-20

Birthday: December 25th

Sign: Capricorn

Gender: Cis female

Weight: 110lbs

Height: 5’3”

Hair color: Dyed blonde

Eye color: Blue

Occupation: Student

Likes: Make-up, clothes, teasing, flirting, cute things, karaoke, shoes, summer weather, fall weather, stickers, strawberry mochi

Dislikes: Natto, eggplants, bullies, animal abusers, straight black coffee, heavy rain.

Personality: She is a cheerful girl who has a caring personality and always tries to live up to her classmates' expectations. Although she may come off as mindless at times, she is highly perceptive, often seeing through people's emotions and their hardships while avoiding her own for their happiness.

Being an extrovert, Minami is known to take things a little too far and sometimes ends up being just as flustered herself. Minami easily gets flustered!
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7 | Apr 17th 2024 14:44