
Here's a list of my rules to follow please understand and accept these rules before we proceed any further

1) If I'm online and I don't reply it's usually because I have work the majority of the day and I will reply when I can, so please be patient

2) Don't control me or my character, if you don't like the way I play my character then unfriend me simple as that.

3) NO DRAMA will be tolerated I'm here to make friends and get away from the real world for a bit and have fun and enjoy being here

4) I'm not a friend collector I will only add you if you talk to me, if it's been more than 2 days since we've talked then I will unfriend you. I do believe in giving people second chances but after that and I still haven't heard from you then it'll be a unfriend followed by a block sorry that's how I operate.

5) Lastly if I'm in a relationship, please respect my relationship and the person I'm with if things fall apart I'd appreciate my time alone and my space.

Lets Liv It Up and let's chat ^_^
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5 | Apr 16th 2024 14:25
LongLiveTheKing Agreed!))
CryAboutIt Thanks ^_^
LongLiveTheKing No problem :)
TimelessToniStorm ((Read and understood : )
CryAboutIt Thanks toni :)