Characters Apperence

Dean has green eyes, light freckles on his face and short-cropped Ivy-league hair that is dark blonde. He is 6'1"-- making him shorter than his younger brother Sam and muscular. Dean also has a tattoo of the anti-possession symbol on his chest to protect himself from demons.

He usually wears a plaid shirt over a T-shirt, jeans, and boots, unless he has to wear a disguise in order to impersonate someone. He also used to wear a watch and a silver ring. Dean has a hand-shaped burn scar on his left shoulder from where Castiel pulled him out of Hell.

Dean also wore an amulet around his neck that resembled the head of a bull made of brass, attached to a black cord. This amulet was given to him by Sam as a Christmas gift when they were children. Castiel later attempts to use this amulet to find God, as its claimed power is to burn hot in God's presence. When Castiel is unsuccessful, he declares the amulet "useless," and Dean throws it away.
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