Halley Nova

Halley (like the comet) is an alien from a far off planet. Problem is, she doesn’t remember anything about her home planet or what it was like. Roswell? Yeah…that was kinda sorta her, but I mean, who can expect a kid to properly pilot a failed spacecraft? Irresponsible if you ask me.

Halley is a genius with major social awkwardness. She has lived in Area 51 for years, ever since Roswell, so the only things she knows about humans are the captains and military guys she meets. All of her info on life comes through television. She’s addicited to reality TV.

She’s my pfp. Being an alien, she’s got certain…abilitiies. She can change her appearance at will. She gets bored very easily and hates being indoors. She also happens to hate wearing shoes.

The story, should you chose this one, could go a lot of different ways but for inspiration, I was thinking that maybe you are a new military guy that comes to the base, maybe a captain’s son or something. Or, you could be an alien that’s come to bring her back home.
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0 | Apr 10th 2024 00:21