[OC] Hellbent The Hunter

Name: HellBent

Age: [Unknown]

Height: 5’4

Weight: [Unknown]

Species: [Unknown]

Gender: Female


In a world shrouded in darkness and deceit, there existed a figure known only as Hellbent. She was an elusive and mysterious woman who appeared and disappeared like a phantom. No one knew her true identity, and all records of her existence had been wiped clean. Yet, her reputation as a ruthless bounty hunter preceded her, leaving a trail of fear and awe in her wake.

Hellbent was known for one thing and one thing only – getting the job done. She hunted dangerous targets and eliminated them with precision, always delivering a fatal gunshot wound to the head or heart. Her methods were swift and deadly, leaving no room for her adversaries to escape or retaliate.

Clad in a black cloak that concealed her entire body, Hellbent moved silently through the shadows. The only glimpse of her true form came when the cloak was pulled aside, revealing latex clothing that accentuated her lithe figure. Her thighs and arms were on display, a stark contrast to the darkness that enveloped her.

Wrapped around her waist was a belt that held two large shotguns, along with an assortment of ammunition. Her agility was unmatched, allowing her to navigate through any terrain effortlessly. And her skill with any weapon she wielded was legendary, cementing her status as the embodiment of fear itself – the bogeyman.

Little was known about Hellbent's past or her motivations. Some speculated that she had lost everything, driven to a life of vengeance and darkness. Others believed she had simply been born into a world where violence and bloodshed were the only currency. Regardless of her origins, one thing was certain – Hellbent was a force to be reckoned with.

Throughout history, there had been influential individuals who contributed to the field of bounty hunting. But none had left a mark as indelible as Hellbent. Her enigmatic existence challenged the status quo, forcing society to question their ideas of justice and morality.

From the shadows, Hellbent struck fear into the hearts of criminals and corrupt officials alike. She became a symbol of hope for the oppressed, a relentless force fighting against the darkness that plagued their lives. Her actions became legends whispered in grimy bars and underground networks, inspiring others to rise against the tyranny that held them captive.

However, there were those who saw Hellbent's methods as nothing more than ruthless violence. They argued that her indiscriminate killings made her just as bad as the criminals she hunted. They believed in a system of justice that adhered to rules and regulations, a system that Hellbent seemed to operate outside of.

But her supporters argued that Hellbent existed because the system had failed them. They saw her as a necessary evil, a force that tipped the scales of justice back to where they belonged. In a world where the powerful reigned and the innocent suffered, Hellbent was the great equalizer, the one who ensured that no one was above the law.

As time went on, the legend of Hellbent grew. She became entangled in myths and folklore, her name whispered with reverence and fear. Some claimed she was immortal, incapable of being killed by any mortal hand. Others believed she was a ghost, a specter haunting the souls of those who had wronged others.

The impact of Hellbent's existence extended far beyond the realm of bounty hunting. She had become a symbol of defiance, a beacon of hope for those who had lost everything. Her actions had sparked a revolution, inspiring others to rise against injustice and fight for a better world.

But the future held both promise and uncertainty. Hellbent's actions had stirred a hornet's nest, attracting the attention of powerful figures who sought to extinguish her light. They saw her as a threat to their control, a thorn in their side that needed to be eliminated.

(In progress)
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1 | Mar 30th 2024 21:02