Baby can you talk with your body


Adonis had been a healthy child growing up, his life long dream being to become a military personnel. So that’s what he did at 17. Having just left school, he didn’t want to continue in such a boring place so he enlisted in the military. At first he didn’t know which unit he wanted to be in, but settled for the Special Task Force as it seemed far more interesting than any other units he came across. Adonis was there for quite a while, working his way up the ranks. It wasn’t until he was around 21 that he sustained a few bad injuries which meant he had to be dismissed. The injuries left him hospitalised for roughly a year, resulting in cerebral achromatopsia which left him completely colourblind. Though, that didn’t stop him from living his life. Once he was strong enough to get back on his feet and had almost made a full recovery, he was already working to jump into a whole new career. That being a law enforcer… or well, a cop. Not that he was going to be good about it. There were so many things he wanted to do, but they were risky. The only way he could do these things was by having his hand in law to twist and manipulate it to get people off his back. Drug trafficking, vehicle trafficking etcetc, everything he wanted. How else do you think he could afford his Rolls?

/ Not fully complete but deal with it, I beg.
Heart this
5 | Mar 30th 2024 20:06