Carter Michael Abraham (OC #5)

Full name:

Carter Michael Abraham

First Name - Carter is a name of Irish, English and Scottish extraction. The origin of the surname Carter is mostly occupational, deriving from someone who used a wagon or cart to transport goods from place to place. Carter can also stem from the Gaelic word 'cairtear', a description of someone who is a traveller or non-native.

Middle Name - Michael is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin, meaning "who resembles God?" Emperors, kings, and saints have borne the name Michael over the centuries, giving it its celebrity status.

Last Name - Abraham is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning “father of multitudes” or “father of a nation.”


He doesn't really have nicknames, but most people just call him Carter, although lovers have called him pet names.


27 - 32 years old (This is very much dependent on the roleplay partner and their tastes, as I'm not bothered as long as he stays within this age range)


17th September


Carter was born in Tennessee, in a city called Memphis. He is fond of his home city although he isn't one to visit regularly.


Being a Virgo, Carter is intellectual and knows when to use it. He despises asking for help.


He is 6ft and 4 inches, so that makes him very tall, and he definitely uses it to his advantage all the time.


Carter is a cisgender male, and is very comfortable with this, he's never doubted his identity nor has he debated it.


Carter is bisexual. However, he has an incredibly difficult time developing romantic feelings for another person, despite their best attempts. Carter finds himself often comfortable in his loneliness, and prefers his own company to most others. He also doesn't have many friendships, and the ones he does develop are short lived and intense. Sometimes, on a rare occasion, he finds himself fixated on certain people.


Carter is a human.

Social Class:

Carter had an upper middle class upbringing in what seemed to be the typical American nuclear family, despite this his upbringing was rocky at best and somewhat shaped the man he became.


He's broad and muscular, and he knows it. His facial hair is trimmed into a moustache and sideburns, with bits of hair that go up his jawline messily as well. He has dark muddy green eyes and dark blonde hair, it sometimes borders on dirty blonde and brunette in certain lightings. He has a few acne scars on his face from when he was younger but they're mostly healed up. His features are quite heavily masculine and he can be somewhat intimidating when people meet him. He's very tall and uses this when out in public in order to get what he wants from people. He typically wears retro and vintage clothing, opting for a comfy leather jacket and jeans over a suit any day.


He has a scar of a small crucifix cross on the left side of his stomach from his father who was deeply religious and burned the imprint into his skin when he was twelve years old. Other than that, most of his scars from general life experience or fighting people.


He doesn't have any piercings.

Normal mood:

Carter is very stoic normally, often opting for neutrality and sociopathic charm than anything else. He leans more on the colder side of stoic though.


He is impatient and frustrated often, and this is shown with his temper. He loses his temper regularly and has a bit of a reputation for being violent and cold.


Carter smokes and drinks heavily. He occasionally will partake in substance abuse and doesn't really have an opinion on these things.


Weaponry, hunting, athletics, (guns, knives, daggers, etc) - Carter adores everything to do with violent acts and displays of dominance in terms of personality. He has an iron stomach and isn't opposed to maiming, hunting, and hurting his way through life either. He's also an avid player of rhythm guitar and is very talented at doing so, he sings too and is in a band.

Books, reading, history, art - He's cultured, and intellectual as well as brutish, but that doesn't mean he wants to discuss his studies with just everyone and anyone. Carter finds a lot of solace in his own personal time and the hobbies that he has.

Personality/Background Information:

Carter can be cold, callous, and manipulative of others. He isn't opposed at all to hurting people physically and emotionally; but he doesn't feel like a bad person - and that's probably his biggest flaw, he has no sense of compassion and empathy, especially when it comes to other people. Carter doesn't consider himself narcissistic, and he isn't, but he's definitely selfish. On the other hand, he's incredibly generous with the few that he loves and thoughtful, remembering every detail that they tell him. Although this can also be useful for manipulative purposes.

Carter grew up in a harsh environment; neither of his parents were really close to him and he didn't have any siblings either. Typically, he'd spend most of his time in his bedroom or walking in nature and escaping through hunting. A life of parental rejection has led him to be somewhat distant.

He was raised in the deep South of America, only ever known strong religion and education that was fed to him falsely by his parents and his school system.

Other than that, he's had a few rocky relationships with partners in his life that have led to him having a bit of a reputation for being a bastard. He has an ex-wife that he rarely ever talks about and if he does, she isn't held in high esteem.
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