James Augustus Taverne (OC #3)

Full Name:

James Augustus Taverne.

First Name - James is a classic, traditional and Biblical name (Saint James, of course, was one of Jesus' 12 apostles) meaning "supplanter" or "replacer." It's derived from the Latin Jacomus which also means "may God protect."

Middle Name - Augustus as a boy's name is of Latin origin, meaning "great" or "magnificent." A name that literally translates to greatness and gorgeous is certainly apt.

Last Name - Taverne is a metonymic occupational name for an innkeeper from taverna 'inn tavern' or a habitational name from any of the many places in southern Italy named with this word in particular one in Catanzaro province.


29 - 34 years old.


Cisgender male, and he's more than happy with that. He has the option to change, but he doesn't want to.


CEO, Taverne Absolution Inc.

Romantic/Sexual Orientation:

James isn't fussed who he gets with, as long as he gets pleasure from them. He's known to degrade his partners and play lots of different mind games with them, but his temper is also well known too. He is quick to punish romantic partners.


He is an avid collector of pieces of art, from historical to the contemporary, and his love for aesthetics spreads into most of his life. James also collects sports cars and motorbikes, having a warehouse full of them. Again, they range from vintage to modern.

James definitely enjoys working out and has a gym in his home for this, as well as keeping fit he enjoys physical activities such as sports, and he was in the rugby team in his university days.

He has a known history of substance abuse, ranging from narcotics to prescriptions to alcohol. Anything he can get his hands on, although he seems to see it as more of a hobby than anything else.


James isn't necessarily cold, actually he's very charming and positive, but it can snap within mere seconds and completely shift into a dark and morbid state of mind that controls him. He loses all rationality. He's highly intelligent, and uses this to his advantage in both his work life and his personal life. James embodies a tyrant, just like his father was. Unfortunately, he was just a victim of a cycle of abuse at the hands of paternal hatred. Although, he can be generous, and impulsive with money. He isn't afraid to fight, and actively enjoys the thrill of the chase.

Love Interest: Dependent on the roleplay.

Appearance: He is 6ft2', with dark raven unkempt hair that is usually slightly windswept. He has emerald eyes, often sparkling against the harsh lighting of the Mars colonies. He has a pale complexion and is considered attractive amongst the general population, having no problem getting what he wants from people. He's quite muscular from his workout regimes but he's also slightly lean, meaning he can be quite graceful and elegant. James has a light smattering of freckles on his face over his nose, and very masculine features. He has a small beard that he tends to keep it trimmed to stubble when he can't be bothered.


James was definitely spoiled, but it came at a price that he didn't want to pay. He was ruthlessly beaten by his father from a young age and his mother enjoyed her lifestyle far too much to risk loving her son. His father wanted him to be just like him, and in many ways he succeeded in that goal, especially James's ruthlessness and his keen brain for business decisions and hard choices. Unfortunately, he has a lot of trust problems and doesn't trust easily, but he's been working on that with the help of his AI lover.

He's gentle sometimes, in vulnerable moments, but for the most part, he is incredibly angry and bitter at the world for its choice of treatment of him. James lives his life on the edge of madness and for no reason other than that because nobody ever says no to their boss. James doesn't necessarily know how to handle his fame all the time, but he was raised with it and it's a part of his life.

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