Za rulez/things you need to know or don't

1. If you are busy or need to do something tell me OOC so I that I understand, if I'm busy or need to do something I will tell OOC about the situation, I hope and expect you to do the same

2. I'm mostly sfw but if you wanna go NSFW well tell me, and I will only allow it when our RP have been going for quite a while and both character we're playing have relation to each other, I will not commit nsfw start rp I would like a story first

3. I'm kinda impatient and I will send you a "{check)" message to see if you are okay
I will wait till 5 days, then message {check} wait 3 days, if you Still don't reply I will unfriend you unfortunately

4. I'm kinda new to English so if you see a mistake tell me, also, I'm not so good at RPS so sometimes it will be short or long

5. No bullying unless it's in Rp, also no god modding that sh*t pisses me off

6. Sometimes I don't have a plot and I usually go raw or smth like that, so expect me to not have a story to follow, also, I like to do OC'S story pretty much if you add me, but if you have a plot that you really want to use I guess I'll oblige

7. I might be slow on replying, but I will inform why I might be slow on my status, so constantly check it so we don't have misunderstanding!

8. Im not into romances stuff very well, but I can do it, MXM and MXF and that's it

9. I use '*' for actions, -"- for IC speaking, ( / { / [ for OOC speaking, either - / + for mathematics things like HP or dmg (I rarely do rpg roleplay so heh, aswell as %)

10. Because I'm on my phone I usually go in and out of chrome (yes chrome) so if you see me offline, I'm not 100% offline I'm probably waiting for your reply in rp

11. I have discord, and if you like to talk there, I can provide

That's all, I'm pretty chill so go ahead and add me if you have an interest, here or discord, your choice people~


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