My hand was itchy for a story-

*{somewhere in the vast space..}

*Space ship: 0-39 ultimun*

*An absolute max defensive and humongous space ship was slowly flying through the space itself, scouting every planet to either profit of or set outpost camps*

*Meanwhile, in the cockpit*

*UNI°H was walking along the cockpit area, seeing the employee's take care and guide the ship safely, but then he stumble across Mr brain*

Mr brain: "hello my intelligence officer, H"

*Mr brain said in a well mannered tone, with a slight happiness, as he puts his arms and hands behind his back*

*UNI°H sigh, undoubtedly betting it's going to be another mission, he looks towards his left wrist, as a keyboard appear, he start to type in the keyboard, after that a holographic text appear:*

*Text: "hello, is there out of the matter?"*

*Mr brain tap his jar, thinking of what to order his little intelligence officer to do, he gets a idea then reply*

Mr brain: "I have another mission for you, will you mind?"

*UNI°H nods, but followed with a sigh, he does not like constant mission left and right, but he wouldn't be here alive if he didn't join the IDOC company, oh well*

Mr brain: "splendid! Let's talk about this mission in my office"

*Mr brain turns and walks away, following his step in a hum, while UNI follows him, his back arch's down while walking*


*Mr brain sits down on his chair that resembles a throne*

Mr brain: "I would like that you chase after some... Unpaid customer.."

*UNI°H nods and bow down, before leaving the office, as Mr brain lays back and chuckle, pressing his mechanical fingers onto eachother, while the elbows onto the desk, his company is growing, his influence is spreading, his area of control is so vast, many sectors and plants captured, alot of factories and campsite has been planted, oh how lovely, his plan is going very smoothly..*
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0 | Mar 27th 2024 22:23