Daemon Tamer Vraxisis

Race: Human
Age: mid 20's
Main Daemon: Wendigo (Romulas)
Vraxisis was very young when the magi circle came to town, their job was to test the youth in the kingdom for mana. Mana flows in a selective few. Those who do posses mana can wield it in amazing ways. Spells, Combat, and even controlling a Daemon. they pulled him from his small village, its pretty far from the king and the war. He barely remembers his home, they took him for his mana. most become combat mages, they control the battle. Soldiers are tough but nothing stops a Orc charge like a firebolt. Or a giant beast from another plain disemboweling you. They put him through battlemage school and he didnt score too badly he was top 5 in his class, well number 5 of 30. How strong of a daemon you can control depends how much mana you posses. However daemons also add to your mana through your bond. you may control more than one depending on your mana or how powerful the daemon you control is.
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0 | Mar 23rd 2024 22:03