Dragon: Miremel Rider: Marius

Race: Dragon and her Rider
Dragon: Female thousands of years in her egg Rider: Male 24
Dragon Description: color is deep violet
Rider: Tall Built man moderate muscle mass from blacksmith work

After the fall of the mad king and his dragon Eragon took to a mission across the sea's to find, recruit, and raise the new found dragons eggs. Marius was one of the lucky few who had a egg call and hatch for him, a beautiful violet dragon named Miremel.

Marius didn't particularly like he was chosen, he loved the simple life. Marius was a standoffish kind of guy he learned smithing young from his family business. his father passed early in his life, Marius was only 16 when it happened. He became the man of the home to care for his mother and two younger twin sisters. It wasn't long before Eragon had to dock his vessel for supplies in a port, the same port Marius was in. Marius heard that dragons had been spotted at the docks and decided to see if it was true and he met Eragon there who was with his dragon Saphira. Marius wanted to see the eggs, he couldn't truly believe it and offered Eragon some free smithy supplies for when they settled down. While down under the decks of the vessel Marius heard someone calling to him. It was there he found the egg of his dragon. The Gedwey insignia burned into his palm at the touch of the egg and well the rest is history. Miremel hatched soon after and Eragon took Marius with him to train and help raise this hatchling and her new rider.

Riders weapon is a deep violet bladed sword with a silver hilt and crimson grip. A starlight amethyst resides in the pommel of the sword, if one looks deep enough the gem looks like the night stary sky.
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