writing sample pt.2 (tw; religious trauma)

the more i re-read my old writing, the more i want to pluck my eyes out lmfao. anyways here is another sample !! this is just a snippet of an rp i'm currently writing, so this is nowhere near the full length lol. enjoy!!

Perhaps it was depraved certitude that fueled that willful ignorant look in her eyes, her head shaking in rebuttal enough for her disbelief. To be innocent is to be free; blissfully unaware as they say. Even if what he said had an inkling of truth in her mind, part of her dared not look further anyway. It was blasphemous to even question the delicate order of things, but even if curiosity did begin to take its root, it was often met with a turn of the head. A fear of the unknown was deterrent enough, for who wants to meet the pitiful look on the sacrificial lamb before its slaughter?

The blood on her hands hid the holes of doubt.

“Is that why you crawl your way from the depths of the fire still?” She remarked, leaning her weight against the wood. “Does it hurt less here?” She goaded, tempting the current stay of his hand. She threatened her end with relief of returning to her Gods, yet here she stood, knobby-kneed and beseeching under the poacher’s knife.

Her eyes followed the spear in frozen anticipation, and with a false acceptance she raised her head to the stars. To some, the angel seemed to be gazing at home. Try as she might, her lips couldn’t help but quiver with inquiry as she looked between them for an answer.

The sweet impale of death’s embrace never came, and somehow she still felt cold and unfulfilled. She almost felt disappointed, but couldn’t quite place the relief she felt being tied to this plane a little while longer.

“Don’t tell me you’ve grown fond of our shared company.”
Heart this
3 | Mar 10th 2024 18:46
OttoTheMan Beautifully, composed.