Neptune (Neptunia, Sci-Fi, Fantasy)

Adult version of Neptune, long, long after the events of rebirth 1.

In this version of events, Neptune failed to bring her friends togather, and the four CPUs of gameindustri remained hostile towards one another, for very little reason at all. Because they did not reunite, this required neptune to train harder then ever before, and she had to save the world single handingly, with only the help of Histoire guiding her.

Over the years, her playful demeanor became twisted. She was spiteful that she never got to be friends with the others, no matter how hard she tried. So she lashed out at them every chance she got. She became sarcastic, caluative, and brutal. Her trademark jokes that she always cracks in the middle of battle became dark, sometimes perverted, and straight up mean, but also much more clever then ever before. The ditzy goddess was no more- while not completely evil, she had become twisted- she is the wildcard of gameindustri.

The other goddesses tried over and over again to kill her, even ganging up on her a second time- but they failed to fully kill her. Even when they sent her through a portal to hell- she still came back just one year later. One thing is for certain, she still has the same determination that she always has had.

Despite the fact that she could easily end the war by killing the other goddesses, for some reason, she spared them. After all, she wont get to play any upcoming games if no one is there to make them.

Note: While i play her AU by default, i can play regular neptune on request as well.
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2 | Feb 29th 2024 11:26