Documentation of a Deranged Individual

This person has made something in the neighborhood of 6-10 separate accounts with the sole purpose of harassing people on this website. He has said things that exhibit every kind of bigotry possible, genuinely. He tends to target women (or anyone he SEES as a woman, considering some of his targets are AFAB nonbinary people who he refers to as women/female) and then ropes ableism and racism into it for some reason. He really loves bringing up Black people CONSTANTLY when they have nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

People keep reporting him to get his accounts taken down, and at this point, I'm wondering why this site doesn't implement IP bans. I think it would be a good idea for the folks who use this website more often to find out WHO this is, ie what his man acs) is, and then maybe from there we can look into finding his general social media? Or maybe someone can contact the site itself to ask for an IP ban to happen? Because this is getting silly. Someone should not be able to make an unlimited number of accounts to target the same people. This all seems to be because one person decided they didn't want to roleplay with him. I would again love to find his actual social media because, if he is an adult, I'm wondering if this is an individual who could pose a threat of actual violence in real life if this is how he reacts to rejection on a no-name roleplay website.
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0 | Feb 28th 2024 20:11