- The Mage -

Name: Aurora Fae
Age: 24
Height: 5ft 5
Physical Characteristics: Thick long brunette hair | Blue eyes | Light freckles on her noes | Small diamond birth mark on her right shoulder.

Aurora Fae was the second daughter of a small farmer and his wife. A child of five, Aurora was the third oldest of one sister and three brothers. At the age of eleven, despite the unwillingness of her mother, she was taken by a band of mages when they had traced the girls powers. Aurora's mother Eleanor, knew they had mages blood, though she had hoped it had skipped a second degeneration. It had not and Aurora was the next to carry on the gene.

Aurora was harshly trained to become what she was. She had come to be one of the most powerful mages in the realm, yet she despised the name she had made for herself. She wish's nothing more than to hide back into the shadows from where she came. She is quiet, choosing a life of solitude. Though she is not shy and rather quick witted. She will not hesitate to put one in their place should they need it.

What part will you play for the mage?

|| If you prefer real life preferences - Play by: Alexandra Daddario
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4 | Feb 11th 2024 16:29