Rainy (f)


Name: Rainy wood
Relationship Status: single
Sexual Orientation: questioning
Job: sex worker
Race : bat woman
Height : 1, 67 m (average)
Weight: 40kg ( a bit underweight for her specie)
Hair: grey
Eyes: white (blind)
Skin: very pale

Personality: reserved, quiet, clumsy
Style of clothes : pretty revealing because if her job, but otherwise casual.
Fluffy things
People who respect her profession
Cold places
The smell of cigarette

Drinks?: a little when she is with clients
Smokes?: no
Drugs?: no
Tattoos/Piercing?: cant afford anyways
Financial status: lower class, homeless
Legaly blind, uses echolocation.
Has natural fluff on her ankles and upper chest


She always lived in poverty in a country ran by criminals and the mafia, where most barely had enought to survive.
She was introduced to prostitution by her mother at the age of 15. And since she stopped school early and had no degrees,
she never really got a choice to do that job.

Since she's not very popular, she struggles with money and have been homeless since she's 18, surviving on a few regular clients that finds her<<pityful>> looks attractive, even if they're quite creepy and that she knows she's risking her life with these people.
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2 | Feb 10th 2024 06:57