-- Bellamy Blake -- The 100


Bellamy Blake is a survivor from the ark, one of the 100 sent to Earth to see if it was survival, or sent to die for the crimes they committed. Bellamy was manipulated into shooting Chancellor Jaha to get a spot on the drop ship so he could be next to her sister, Octavia Blake (who was in prison because she was born) it was a crime to have a second child on the ark, their mother was floated and she was imprisoned.

Bellamy wanted to protect his sister so he decided to shoot Jaha and like that, he won a spot on the drop ship. At first, he was the "villain" because of the way he wanted the 100 to live in the ground, he had a slogan "Whatever the hell we want" but he rapidly realized that no way to run things.

Bellamy was determined and brave, and he had little knowledge of war strategy, he was part of the guard on the Ark so he had a few skills.


" Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things. "
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