
Name: Rán Erzsi

Genre: Mythlogical, supernatural, fantasy

Age: unknown (ancient)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Abilities: The Control of Fire, often the cause of Forest fires in the Mortal realms.

Race/species: Błędnica (Slavic Demon Goddess)

Position: she works alone, but can be summoned to the hells to fight in wars, not by choice.

Biography: Any life of before she became immortal is not remembered to Rán. She only knows her purpose as A demon like Goddess, that purpose to cause chaos amongst the Mortal's, how she often does is through starting fires in forests, and luring victims in the forest to get lost, until they starve to their Demise.

Sending those victims to the hellish Realms

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2 | Jan 21st 2024 11:44