
Inspiration from Jujutsu Kaisen

General information;
Name: Jesse Michaels
Age: 21
Sex: male
Occupation(s): jujutsu sorcerer, model
Orientation: closeted homosexual, closeted homoromantic

Height: 5'11"
Form: fit with moderately visible muscle and no visible fat
Hair color: strawberry blond
Hair length: shoulders
Hair diameter: fine
Hair type: wavy
Hair style: natural
Eye color: deep violet
Skin tone: pale
Scars/tattoos: none
Piercings: tongue (stud, gold)

Casual: ironed, white button up shirt, ironed, black suit pants, black suit jacket, black tie, authentic black leather belt with authentic silver buckle, gold cufflinks
Formal: exact same as casual

Cursed techniques;
Tough Crowd (domain): places the target and user on a catwalk and instantly informs both of the rules and rewards, with one twist. The most liked in the domain gets a reverse cursed technique and a single use curse tool. The only twist is that neither know what the crowd likes, as a result the game is purely based upon luck and social cues
Tough Crowd (innate): creates clones of the user. While having limited cursed energy, the clones can withstand quite a beating
For the Camera (innate): while wearing sunglasses, the user gains increased cursed energy

Cursed tool(s);
Houdini's Curtain: a large, red cloth that allows the user to vanish upon hiding behind the tool. Only works if nobody can observe the user

Personality: cocky, bold, arrogant

Voice: soft

Note(s): there are other cursed techniques up his sleeve, the ones listed are (hopefully) stuff not seen in the anime or manga
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1 | Jan 21st 2024 01:46