thoughts on the concept of Love

people have often as i understand it been enraptured by the romantic poets perception of love, that it is merely this force for good, and even therapeutic traditions we are taught that it's not love if it feels bad, but i have come to know that my perception of this emotion is that it can often times be a selfish an destructive force that merely wishes the cut through everything if only for the sake of it's own expression, which is at times both good and bad, as children when our parents tell us " this is for your own good" or do things we see as hurtful later on forget the reasons why they are frustrated. or angry. it is because they love us and are simply trying to do there best, that is not to say that all actions taken by some parents are out of love, some are out of spite or greed or in some very sad cases inherent evil or wickedness -
then there are young men and women who want very much to be with someone they think is right for them so they brush aside all faults and flaws and place their potential mate upon a pedestal bending over backwards and ignoring their own health for a singular goal they end up being drained of spirit and self by said point of affection. - in the pursuit of making someone "love" them even though all the signs bright and glaring tell them they should avert their gaze and find a healthier path
So many people I know think that love is this great and wondrous thing that should be accompanied by strings 24/7 when in fact it is much like fire, it is wild and destructive if left unhampered and can be very damaging to everyone if you're not careful.
it is bright, it is beautiful, it is awe-striking but is is at it's core dangerous at times. it is hard work, but in the end most of the time, whatever form it comes in if you do it right it's worth it.
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0 | Jan 16th 2024 13:52