Blake 'DEALER' Love


Name: Blake Love
Alias: Dealer
Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Occupation: prostitute, drug dealer on the side

Personality: He acts kind of mean at first but he's weak minded and naive, an emotional mess most the time no matter how hard he tries to make himself seem.

Backstory: Blake got put into foster care when he was young where he was split up from his siblings and abused. In attempts to find his older brothers, he ran away from home at the age of 10. He found himself lost in the city, having to beg for money until he was taken in by drag queens and strippers at a local club. He was raised there and made a little bit of money every night by doing hair and makeup and filling in for dancers when they couldn't come to work. When he was 14 he started dating a pretty big gang leader who groomed him into losing his virginity and passing drugs from dealer to dealer. He escaped eventually from his abuser and ended up making money through prostitution for a new gang he joined, still being stalked by his ex.
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5 | Jan 8th 2024 12:46
SF-Rp I love it and I could start the post me being the new boss