Working hard.

She continues with her plans. She is easily hired in the brothel with her looks and she is even given a room to entertain the customers, that she can use to rest. She doesn't really plan to let any filthy man touch her, regardless her attitude, she tends to select carefully men she wants to go with.
She uses her Spirit Whisper on the men, tricking them to think they had their best time with her, while she is actually standing aside, killing the time while they lay down in bed.
One of the evenings, she spots someone unusual. A female customer of her liking, not looking in the best mood. She is drinking on her own and Kafka decides to approach the wolf girl, that she recognizes from their past experience. She soon convinces her to move to her room but rather than doing what Kafka hoped, Miko lays down on the bed, already drunk and about to cry. ''It hurts...''
''What hurts?'' Kafka sits on the bed, glancing at Miko.
''Things started to go so well...too well...but it is over and there is no way to go back to how things were...''
''Why?'' She tilts her head.
Miko sobs, rubbing her eyes. ''He is my brother...we didn't know...''
She raises her brows in surprise for a moment. She is not sure what to say, the matter is too complicated even for her. '' should move forward.'' She lays on top of Miko, caressing her body.
Miko looks up at Kafka. ''I want to...I wish I really forgot everything...'' The accident really happened, just that it didn't involve memory loss, she just begged Qi.
''I'll make you forget them...'' She strokes her neck.

Miko opens up with Kafka due to alcohol, sharing her feelings on the matter. She couldn't tell the truth to anyone, since she also pretended to forget about Johan, so speaking to Kafka gives her some relief.
Kafka and Miko start to meet more often until she invites her to stay in her place.
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0 | Jan 4th 2024 15:15