Suzu. The introvert living fake lives.

Suzu is the quiet kid at your school, often keeping to herself in the back of the class, she doesn't often see the point in getting involved or making too many connections. Afterschool she tends to go straight home, is not involved in any clubs, but manages to get decent enough grades to not get into any sort of trouble. While she doesn't have any friends, it doesn't look like she's bullied either, it's not that people ignore her, it's that she doesn't want to interact with anyone here.

What most people don't know is that behind closed doors Suzu lives another life on fake social media accounts. Pretending like she's a whole different girl she chats with and makes friends online, it's gotten deeper over the years to the point she runs several. She's become so into living as different people she can't bring herself to simply be herself at school, so she doesn't. On one account she's a preppy athletic girl, another she's a poem writer looking for romance, and so on. There's so many layers to who the real Suzu is, even she doesn't know anymore.

She can't really handle life without her phone, as she spends nearly every moment not doing school work on it. It's where all her lives are. And she can become awfully distressed without easy access to it.
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11 | Dec 21st 2023 08:07