The Assassin

Her name is Noel and she is 20 years old. She was raised by her mother and father to be a killer ever since she was old enough to walk. Her family served under a cult of sorts who specialized in taking on contracts from people who wanted someone killed. This was all she ever knew and it was something she was capable of doing without hesitation. Once she was 18 she reached a threshold where she became a well known assassin, so much so that she was wanted for nearly 10000 gold.

Noel is a very tough and level headed woman with a high level of pride and gentleness. She is protective by nature and also ready to defend herself no matter what. She is light on her feet and cautious of every move aware of the possibility of someone pulling something on her. She is sneaky and fully capable of pushing beyond the limits.

It finally came to one assignment in particular that she hadn't realized was scripted from the start. Her parents gave her a mission to kill a very high level official but upon her closing in for the kill she was ambushed which led to her imprisonment. It was then let known to her that her parents gave her away to save their own asses causing her to end up with a very long and possibly extendable prison sentence.
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4 | Dec 20th 2023 22:58