The False Prophet

Her name is Arabella, she is a 21 year old female who once claimed to be a sister of the church. Anyone who saw her would never have guessed she was falsifying or that she was using this title of a Nun to steal from the church. To her, she meant absolutely no harm in this and thought that she was stealing back what the church was taking from naive citizens. Arabella grew up with a deranged mother and an absentminded father it wasn't all the best but it didn't stop her from what she was doing in her life even now.

Arabella is a gentle minded woman but also the kind of woman who doesn't back down without a fight. She holds no regrets in her life and also fears very little when it comes to any possible trouble. She uses her body to get whatever she wants even though she is still a virgin. Never once has she gotten into any trouble and was always seen as a good girl but a painfully honest good girl.

It wasn't until she was 20 when she was caught in the act, stealing from the church and falsifying under god. It also came to knowledge that Arabella was a holder of magic when she murdered the father of the Church accidentally after he tried to 'touch' her to hide the truth of what he found from anyone else. Between the murder and the crimes she committed under her 7 years of being a nun, Arabella was sentenced to prison with no exact times given. Her imprisonment is different then most given her magical talents.
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6 | Dec 20th 2023 22:38