The Iron Maiden

Name : Yyrdar Erker Nicknames : Yyrd, Whore

Age : 19
DoB : 4th of November
Gender : Lady
Pronouns : She/her

Home : Her old home is long burned and defiled, all she knows now is the PIT.
- Birthplace : Off in the northlands she was once the jewel of a vibrant legacy.
Job : Gladiator
-Past : Princess

Magic : She remembers a few sorceries from her youth, none are of any use in combat.
Strengths : She’s untrained though so desperate to survive that she proves a savage opponent.
Weaknesses : Her ignorance to advanced technique may very well one day be her undoing, she is overly paranoid after years of torment.

Things to add: A gentle princess turned brutal warrior.

Weapons: Big f*** off sword.
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