Drav Cliften (fantasy, ect)


→ Male

Sexual orientation)

→ 6’3

Relationships and family)
→ His parents are dead, well his mom is but Dravs dead could be alive but still be dead to him
→ Few friends from his crew that didn’t betray or hate him

→ Thief
→ Murderer and hitman
→ Sailor pirate/ Professional gambler

→ Loud…like a lot of the time
→ He may be a killing alcoholic theiving p.o.s but he has had romantic flings in the past and does admire them from time to time
→ Smoking and drinking are gods given virtue
→stubborn as hell
→ Witty and cunning when it comes to sly things and tricks

Backstory) Drav grew up without a mom. He lost her at the age of 5. Only his drunk sailor dad left that was there on and off and left to his own to fend most of the time. Drav spent most of his young life picking pocketing coins and learning to extort shops, Basically learned the basics to be a crime lord. Drav also found gambling at the age 14 and never stopped, poker,blackjack,shooting dice. If money was on the line then he was first one there. His lucky number is 7. Drav is a scummy money obsessed criminal. He goes were ever a pretty penny can be found. Although he isn’t that shallow. He’s got morals. Won’t kill a kid, won’t kill a mom or pregnant lady either. Everything else is game haha- He does enjoy a good drink and fling with a woman. He once owned a Ship and rode the seas plundering any other boats for coin and booze for a while with a crew. Where he earned most of his gristly tales and scars. He now mostly waste in a pub waiting for his next calling or big score.
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4 | Dec 19th 2023 12:31