Lou Gerryle


→ Male

Sexual orientation)

→ 6’1

Relationships and family)
→ His family in France and his Dad who took care of him in America
→ Few friends from film college

→ Student
→ Part-time Movie/ commercial maker
→ Also part-time at a small film store

→ A bit quiet and shy if he doesn’t know you or have an interest in you. He’s very outgoing with close friends
→ A lil bit of a awkward romantic
→ Unfortunately is trying to kick a smoking habit
→Sweet, Caring
→Stuborn, Protective

Backstory) Lou is an awkward funny sweet camera guy. He is constantly recording his life and everyone in it. He enjoys editing and making his own films but also helps others. Capturing emotion on the lens of a camera, triggering deep thoughts, heart string pulling, all the cliches and techniques used by the greats he lives for it. He’s artistically and spiritually invested in every single one of his films. Ever since his first epic Lego figure battle captured on his camcorder (lmao). He records his emotional moments to cope with himself usually when he’s by himself or not really around people. Otherwise Lou is just on earth to have a good time and get over his fears and concerns on life. He inspires to be a great film maker and to help his family out of poverty.
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2 | Dec 15th 2023 15:45