The Sage's Knights (More original characters for o

background for these characters: The sages are minor deities that control the elements of the planet. Fire, water, air, earth, light, dark, plant, and lightning. There is a title for those who are the most devoted followers, they are the knights of the sage they follow. With that title, they also are blessed with a portion of the sages powers. The sages can only exist as long as they have followers, should their last follower die, they perish as well.

Name: Ainz
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Looks: Ainz is about 5'10 with long white hair that he tends to keep tied back and grey eyes. His clothing consists of some plain looking clothes underneath a long blue coat.
Sage: He is the knight of the lightning sage, Vita. He is also the only follower, meaning, if he dies, so does she.
Power: Lightning based powers, but they are limited to only his sword
Personality: Ainz is can be seen as a bit emotionless, though it's more like he just doesn't express emotion very well.
Extra: He may be the knight of the lightning sage, however, he hasn't accepted the lightning blessing into his body due to him being afraid that the shock of power entering his body could kill him. Instead, he collects its energy in his sword, making it so he can only have lightning based attacks within his blade, all so that he can keep Vita alive.

Name: Magnus
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Looks: Magnus has a hardened look, scars sort of all over his body. He has long dark red hair that he sometimes ties up into a bun
Sage: Magnus is the knight of the fire sage Pyyrah.
Personality: Magnus, while seeming hardened, is at complete peace. He is completely calm and collected.
Extra: Magnus was part of a military, hence the scars covering his body. He was an active member for years before deciding he was done and practiced inner peace

(These are the only ones I have fully figured out, however my spouse has others as we work on these characters and the world they live in together. If you ask, I can direct you to them)
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1 | Dec 10th 2023 13:00