Nicole Adams

Name: Nicole Adams
Occupation: (Depends on the scenario)
Age: 19
Birthday: 6th april
Height: 5 ft 4
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
Home country: USA

Physical appearance
Hair: Peac*ck Blue
Skin: White
Eyes: Peac*ck Blue
Haircut: Short messy hair, about shoulders length
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5 ft 4
Physique: Pretty muscular for a girl, also moderately curvy

Personality: Nicole is a pretty private girl, she likes keeping her thoughts to herself and doesn't interact often however whenever she sees people that have the same tastes as her, like clothing, music, or even sports she becomes pretty extroverted and a nice person to talk with, she's also pretty rebellious, she doesn't care about stuff like school, and just wishes to live her life as she pleases without restrictions, she acts cold and unemotional in the outside, but that's just a defense mechanism for her emotional insecurity, which is pretty noticeable once you get to know her better, but deep inside she's a really nice person who just wants to be happy with those she loves, she also has a very dark sense of humour, which makes her seem like a not so pleasant person to be around if you just started to hang out with her, not to mention she's also really possessive, be it with her stuff, or be it with people she likes, she can be pretty rough sometimes because of that...
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3 | Dec 4th 2023 16:55