Xuriel Clarisse Emmeryn Lorenz

Name: Xuriel Clarisse Emmeryn Lorenz
Aliases: ‘Imperatriz’
Gender/Pronouns: Female: She/Her
Age: 24
Birthdate: 6 - 19
Realm: Euria
Region: Ylisse
Domain: Kharvyre
Species: Human
Occupation: Council Apprentice (Former)
Second Seat Council Member - Lord Second (Former)
Duchess of the Kharvyrian Territory (Current)
Vaseria Tome Keeper (Current)
1st Deity Vessel - Shivha’s Vessel (Current)
Abyssal Vessel (Current)
Height: 5’4
Skin Tone: Rose beige
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Light blue, almost gray
Identifying Marks: The mark of her vessel deity on her lower back, the scecera flower
Appearance: To start, Xuriel has silver hair reaching to her mid back with silver hair with the top half of her hair braided and twisted into a bun while the rest remained down. She’s dressed in a simple, off shoulder, white to black gown that reaches down to her feet with a sheer silk drape to cover her shoulders reaching down just below her butt with golden, embroidered flowers covering the base of it. Her shoes are a pair of simple but elegant boots with about an inch of heel.
Personality: Xuriel is mainly quiet and observant at first glance, usually mirroring her foster father and mentor Hakir, but she is overall a polite, respectful, and protective individual for those she holds dear, like her childhood friends, her mentor and her late parents.
Motivations: Her motivations are plainly to survive and ensure the future of her family line and ensuring that her late parents are proud of her for the work she’s doing in ensuring that her family’s title remains standing.
Current Goal: Continuing to serve the current royal family
Life Goal: ///
Motto: “...How should we do this?”
Fears: Failing to return her favor to the Imperial family
Hobbies: Reading books of old from the Council library / Rewriting and translating by hand the books of old / Dancing in her quiet spot in a hidden spot within her garden at night
Talents: Xuriel is able to dance, sing, cast magic, use casting and summoning magic
Skills/Abilities: Lightning Magic
Summoning Ancient Deities (with and without her tome, depends on how powerful the deity is)
Chain Binding Magic
Abyssal Magic
Family: Winter Vasseriel Lorenz (Mother; Rahaira-maiden) - [Dead]
Rylec Oderius Lorenz (Father) - [Dead]
Hakir (Foster Father/Mentor[???]) - [///]
Best Friends: Camellia Cerelise Augentius - [Alive]
Olederus Kayeir Augentius - [Alive]
Relationship Status: Single
Significant Other: ///
Other Relationships: ///
Secret: ///
Influential Memory: Being raised to the position of Honorary council member upon a whim with her parents commemorating her and being taken under Lord Hakir’s wing
Role Model: Hakir
Crush: ///
Backstory: During her childhood, Xuriel grew up as the sole child of the Lorenz Ducal family that are the ones responsible for the Kharvyre territory of Ylisse. She was raised with love and proper care to ensure that she grew up to be a proper lady for the day that she takes over the Duchy, and it succeeded. She grew up to be quite successful in the path intended for her, succeeding in her studies, succeeding in her test, succeeding in the academy and even landed herself in the attention of the council, in turn, Lord First, Hakir, took Xuriel under his wing with the blessing of her parents. After her graduation from the Ylissian Academy, she was immediately brought along to shadow Lord Hakir as he performed his duties, learning along the way as she did and eventually land herself the position of Lord Second within the council but she omitted that role to someone else, after having only been in the position for a few years, due to her abruptly attained positions of the Vaserian Tome Keeper, the Abyssal Vassal and the vassal for the First Deity, Divine Shihvra and on top of it all, Duchess of Kharvyrian Terittories that resulted from the successful assassination of her parents. At the current moment, she is currently in the middle of serving the Imperial family of Ylisse and needing to travel all over Ylisse in order to observe the different Domains as the eyes for the Imperial family.

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0 | Nov 26th 2023 11:58