Brief Introduction and Rules ❤

-Brief Introduction-

-Hello there! It's a pleasure to meet you, you can refer to me as either ‘X’ or by Abyss, whichever you prefer and I do go by she/her pronouns. I am new into the roleplay zone but have been interested for a long while, so please be patient with me, I’m doing the best that I can! But, I have been writing since I was nine and have just been trying to improve further on my writing. Down below will be the rules I have and some other information that I would like for you to read over. Please do look over them, I would appreciate it very much. I'll also read your end of things and I’ll accommodate for you the best that I can should there be any rules that you have laid down outside of what should be the basics. This can all change later down the line as I add in new information that I had decided on and have come across.


-First things first, if you have chosen to add me first, do talk to me first. Even a simple ‘Hello!’ would be better than just silence and please, don’t just add me in order to add to your friends list, please and thank you. In regards to adding me, do take your time to talk as I know it can sometimes be nerve wracking, a good day or two should suffice, correct? ^^

-Don’t. Be. Weird. Even considering the fact that I may be the age of 18, but please, for the sake of our brain cells, don’t :) (I doubt that would be the case, I’ve been getting a look at people and the ones i’ve seen seem very lovely and I’m so excited to meet all of you! -says the anxiety ridden thing).

-Feel free to be forward about anything in terms of inquiring about my characters or nations that you may not understand or I’m lacking on information that you would like to know. Please also be forward if there is an idea that you would like to happen or try as well, I’m no mind reader and I would not be able to tell anything from over the screen and merely over text. Not to mention, I am quite slow with picking up social cues and sometimes, don’t pick up on it at all.

-Don’t respond with something dry, especially if we get into a roleplay. I can somewhat understand if it is in a simple conversation or if asking a question of sorts but if we manage to start a roleplay, then don’t respond with single sentences, at least three or four or a paragraph or two. I’ll very quickly lose interest and if you can’t come up with something during those certain situations, tell me OOC and take your time, just do what you can or I can try and add more onto what I sent so that I can give you something a bit better to work with. I will do my best to accommodate you and hope you do the same :).

-Slight NSFW implications or none at all. In general, I don’t mind the much more mature themes that come with roleplays or writing out stories overall but I’m not too comfortable with writing about a full-blown er*t*c scene with a roleplay partner or just in general due to past experiences that weren’t really the kindest, so, just implications or nothing, thank you.

-Take your time to respond, I won’t push you and don’t push me to respond as well, thank you. I can understand if we have managed to get into the roleplay and would like a response to come quickly. I won’t push you and hope you do the same, so please do let me take my time as well as I may not know what to respond with until later and I am another person with a life outside of the characters we act out. Not to mention we all have lives outside of the screen and those mainly take precedence over things

-Own characters and realms only. Do forgive me but I’m not too confident with canon characters like ones from movies or anime or games. I know crossovers are a thing but I just don’t feel confident with having canon characters or realms be involved or used in whatever roleplays we may do. We can have realms or scenarios influence the plot but being completely in that realm or playing canon characters, on my end in the very least, just doesn’t really work for me. (If that is what you are looking for, this is the wrong profile and person, I hope you can forgive me, dear)

-If it isn’t already obvious, disassociate the realm we play in from real life. If romance somehow sparks between whatever characters we play or they have a certain interaction, keep it to them. The character being played in writing is different from the person behind the screen. (I doubt this would be an issue but I was told by a friend to include anyway)

-Third person is how I would be playing as it is a more comfortable way to proceed for my end considering that I have only ever written stories myself. So, if you choose to play in views outside of third person, be my guest, I wouldn’t mind, whatever makes you comfortable :).

-Please use proper grammar whenever we get into a roleplay as well as distinguishing whenever your character has spoken with (“) or whenever an internal monologue is struck up with (‘). If your character has a companion or familiar of sorts that is linked or bound with your muse through mystical means or there is another person speaking from a form of communicator, use an indicator like (`) or in a different color or in bold or italics, if possible. (I don’t know if it's possible since I haven't explored the site as of writing this and I am new, as I have stated before) and if there is a need to fall out of character, keep it distinguishable.

-Don’t control my characters and keep your characters balanced, this isn’t Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball. I can understand characters having immense power but those powers can never be without immense consequences either to themselves and their surroundings, so please, keep things in check. I am balancing out my own characters as well in ways that would better fit the world we decided to enter or build. We can continue discussing more on balance later once the realm, plot and everything else has been decided.

-Take things slow, we have all the time we need, don’t look to rush our characters nor the events about to happen around them. I wouldn't want for all our planning and efforts to just last a few days. (Unless you are looking to quickly end it cause it has bored you, then just tell me upright instead of beating around the bush please and we can try and find or create something new that would be interesting for us and especially you)

-Finally, if you have taken the time to read through this entire thing, thank you so much for doing such a thing. It means a lot to me and I hope that this wasn’t too much or too stupid and obvious, I just hope to set my common boundaries up. Once again, thank you and if you have any tips for me as someone who is experienced with roleplaying and proceeding, I would greatly appreciate it!

-Other Information-
(More will be added as time goes on)

-By default, all my characters will be bisexual, doesn't matter which one it is, all of them swing both ways like their creator!

-When it comes to our roleplays, any minor or background character that I may have within the realm can be replaced by your character should it be the role you wish for your muse to take. It can be a royal, a guard, a maid/butler, a mercenary, etc. Please do bring this up with me if you would like to insert your character as someone that has already existed in the world and have a form of relationship with the character you’d like for me to use or for a character that I would like to use.

-As for responses, I wouldn’t mind it if you responded with only one paragraph, it would be a bit hard to work with but I will do my best as I can understand being unable to properly come up with a response that would really extend the current story. Even I would probably respond here and there with shorter responses and would constantly vary depending on how much I feel I can shift within our story.

-Please don’t mind me if I start stalking your page. I quite enjoy browsing people’s pages for inspiration on formatting and posts, not to mention that I am quite interested in getting to know your characters, even on a base level.

-In my stories or universes, Realm’s are the equivalent to universes or planets in a way, while Region’s are the equivalent to nation’s, or Empire’s, or Kingdom’s, and Domain’s are the equivalent to different states or territories within a nation. (This is just to clear up the basics of my realms. There will be quite a few of them with variations in a bunch of aspects).
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7 | Nov 26th 2023 11:47