The Bella Triplets

(See album for photos)
Dyne, Daye and Deyl are known as the Triplet Queens that rule over an empire called Arcadia. Their subjects are mostly of the female species, as well as futa.
Though they are demons, not all their subjects are, ranging from nagas, orcs, mermaids, arachnids, etc.

However, each Bella has their own striking personality and area they specialize in.

Dyne is the ruling Queen, who deals with politics and treatys, hosts meetings and discussions to ensure their empire is always a safe haven. She does this because she is the very last of her species, and hopes one day to find the right individual to help carry on her lineage.
Her meetings also aren't always the standard discussions either, some resulting in a more person engagement in her chambers.

Daye is known as the Mother Queen.
She deals with the wellbeing and health of their subjects. Whether it be ensuring they have a steady food supply or tending to the injured, she has a heart of gold that makes her well loved in the empire.
Her guilty pleasure is all things sweet, as she is known to venture to the mortal world and indulge on sweet treats from the local bakeries.

Deyl is the Army Queen.
She prides herself in the training of her soldiers, so much that she actually married the General Commander Amerdein, who is a futa demon.
She is known to be hot-headed, quick witted and bare a venom tongue when it comes to interacting with others. Though she may come off as rude or uncaring, in reality, she's a very upfront and honest kind of demon.
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