
Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Age: 18
Height: 6'3
Weight: 247 lbs
Race: Human
Classification: Prince of Polynesia / Second generation grade wielder


Dante is a young prince whose discontent with his role of successorship. Born to a particularly tyrannical king, he desperately seeks to liberate himself of a pre-determined fate, and carve out his own path in life. However, this will prove quite difficult for him given his father is not beyond using force to maintain order. In fact, in Dante's mind, the disappearance of his presumed late mother was likely a direct result of angering the unruly dictator. While no evidence of such horrendous acts exists, he still holds true to this belief. He lives out his days feigning the role of heir, all the while building his strength and plotting his escape.

When not playing the role of heir, Dante is very kind, playful, and at times, flirtatious. He has a tendency to agitate his personal guard unit by routinely giving them the slip in pursuit of his own interests. Though this is generally received with leniency, as they suspect he's just a youth coming into his own, these acts are very much reflective of Dante's true nature of seeking freedom.

~Sexual Orientation~

Spatial Magic
Dante, much like his father, is highly adept at the use of Spatial Magic. His uses span from teleportation by use of worm holes (provided he's visited the destination at least once) forcible swapping, telefrag, and bending space to disorient foes. As of recent, he has tried his hand at replicating his father's form of Spatial magic, which involves the creation of alternate spacetimes. Thus far, he's only managed to conjure a room-sized dimension, which he often uses for storage space. Typically for grade weapons he's pilfered off of evil-doers. He can also effectively 'seal' targets in this manner.

TimeBreaker Magic (temporarily)
Dante can use his gravity to distort spacetime via black holes but since he can manipulate space and force it to retain form, the excess ripples recoil and affect time more than usual. This allows him to artificially replicate the ancient magic of time breaking. This level of grade weilding earned him notable praise from even the boastful Iris, who considered him to be a genius at the battle art.

Note: Dante must be in possession of a very rare magic item known as the seeker's amulet in order to do this. Controlling a black hole without endangering the planet is beyond his natural capacity.

~Grade Weapon~

Unique Trait
Gravity manipulation
Dante's infectious personality has given rise to the ability of 'attractive gravity' However, Dante is free to choose what attracts what, essentially giving him free reign over gravity as a whole. His standard means of combat involves leaving his javelin embedded at the peak of a mountain graveyard whilst emitting high levels of gravity, where he would then connect a portal to and forcibly warp opponents away with the gravitional pull. This serves as both misdirection as many grade wielders suspect he's not one himself since he doesn't flaunt a weapon in open view, and a death sentence for those beyond redemption as the gravity crushes the target to death upon initiation. The 'graveyard' itself being less literal, and in actuality, just a mountain littered with corpses that have met this fate.

Spiked Knuckles (Currently issued to Camie) & Hunter's Knife (currently issued to Lucas) For details, see their profiles.

Dante saw much potential in Camie and Lucas despite their misdeeds. Forgoing jailtime, he saw fit to make them repent by bestowing unique traits onto grade weapons and acting as their contractor. This way he can keep them reined in with the conditions. He's the first known grade wielder to bestow a trait onto multiple tools. Further, since Dante is alive and well, there doesn't appear to be any risks of him taking over the recipients.

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