
After a day of work in the hospital she manages, she heads to one of their clubs for a drink. She always hopes to meet some interesting company but due to her extremely aggressive and beautiful look, very few men dare and of course, SulBang and her would be a couple everyone would love and support in their families, that's why they can't feel the slightest attraction for each other.
She takes a seat by one of the special tables, leaning her back on the couch but maintaining an elegant position, crossing her legs. She is wearing the typical business woman outfit, total black, but with a short skirt and long and tight boots.
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1 | Oct 26th 2023 14:52
Btch ''It is in korean's nature in particular. They are more obsessed than other countries, also with is a sad situation.
What does he do to you?'' She looks at SulBang. ''I thought he only...pushed you to work?'' She doesn't really know their family affairs.
'' said he comes from the North? Why did he run away? He certainly could have used working for you, it was a luck to come across you.''
SulBang «Not for me. I like them skinny and pretty. Petite.» He smirks. He's another who needs a lesson in humbleness.
«You make it sound as if I didn't want to work. I've always been doing my part In the business, I bring tons of money every month, with my personal activities.» The problem is that he tends to make messes, anger the wrong people, fail to keep his cover… xD
«As for that… I'm not sure.» He knows well, he caused it. «He was so wary of me, he gave for granted I'm a criminal just because I'm rich and have a big car.» And because SulBang flaunted about being the boss of a criminal organisation. «I shouldn't have offered him food, I was too kind!»
Btch They are always opposites in taste. ''I like a bit of muscle, you know...'' She shrugs.
''I didn't mean it that way. You need a saint by your side, don't you tend too much to take things the bad way?'' She shakes her head slightly. ''If I didn't know you by now...
Maybe he knew it is not a safe business?'' He can't really think about other possible reasons, since it is certainly a well paid job too.
SulBang «I don't.» He likes small and weak looking people, so he can feel even more of the big and strong dominant.
«I may have a slight anger issue, but I don't see it as such a major problem, to be honest.» He could just cause a mass murder out of it, he is such a patient and calm man!
«But thieveries are safe? He didn't seem sorry to steal cars and clothes around, you know.» He snorts. «I'll keep him safe, anyway. I take good care of my boys.»
Btch They have one thing in common at least, they like to dominate instill. XD
It is a major problem when you are not talking to me - she thinks. "I guess it depends on the situation. It could be handy in some situation.
In that case, I pass. I don't know why he would run away from you...maybe your approach?" Just maybe!!