Karnessa Solomon

Karnessa Soloman

-Age: 23

-Height: 5'7"

-Species: Human

-Gender: Woman, AFAB, She/Her

-Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

-Allergies: Bees

-Personality: Tired of absolutely everything, Always close to a mental breakdown, volatile, comes off as cold and calculating, isn't THAT mean.

-Career: She files papers for people and assists.

-Backround: Emotionally distant parents. She was a bit of a 'partyer' in her teens, but not in the rambunctious, wild way. More of a 'drank alcohol as she studied for tests' kinda gal. She was smart in school- Or more of She just did the work. She raised herself emotionally for the most part.

-Birthday:October 24th , XXXX

-Voice claim: I haven't found a voiceclaim for her, but I imagine she has a tired, low tone.
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1 | Oct 24th 2023 19:40